Attributes for the Aura Component for Analytics Dashboards

The Aura CRM Analytics dashboard component has attributes that you can set programmatically to render and interact with a CRM Analytics dashboard on a page at runtime.

NameTypeRequired or OptionalDescription
access​TokenstringOptionalA valid access token obtained by logging into Salesforce. Useful when Lightning Out uses the component in a non-Salesforce domain.
bodycomponent[]OptionalInherited from aura:component. The body of the component. In markup, this is everything in the body of the tag.
dashboard​IdstringRequired if developerName isn’t specified.The unique ID of the dashboard. You can get the ID using the describeDashboard method of the wave:sdk component. If the developerName attribute is specified, don’t include this attribute.
developer​NamestringRequired if dashboardId isn’t specified.The unique developer name of the dashboard. You can get the developerName using the describeDashboard method of the wave:sdk component. If the dashboardId attribute is specified, don’t include this attribute.
enable​NotificationsbooleanOptionalAllows users to set conditions and get notified about updates to dashboard widgets (true) or not (false). And when Show Header is true, this option also surfaces the notifications icon in the dashboard header, which opens the notifications management panel for editing and deleting notifications. If you enable Show Header, it’s recommended that the dashboard is at least 400 pixels in width to accommodate the management panel. The default value is true.
enable​SubscriptionsbooleanOptionalAllows users with permission to subscribe for periodic email updates on dashboard widgets (true) or not (false). And when Show Header is true, this option also surfaces the subscriptions icon in the dashboard header, which opens the subscriptions management panel for editing and deleting subscriptions. If you enable Show Header, it’s recommended that the dashboard is at least 400 pixels in width to accommodate the management panel. The default value is true.
filterstringOptionalAdds selections or filters to the embedded dashboard at runtime. The filter attribute is configured using JSON. With the filter option, the dashboard is shown with only filtered data. For more information, see Filter and Selection Syntax for Embedded Dashboards.
heightintegerOptionalSpecifies the height of the dashboard in pixels. The default value is 300.
hide​On​ErrorbooleanOptionalIndicates whether users can see a dashboard that has an error (false) or not (true). When false, the dashboard appears but doesn’t show any data. The default value is false. An error can occur when a user doesn't have permission to view the dashboard or the dashboard has been deleted.
is​LoadedbooleanSet by the componentIndicates whether the dashboard is fully loaded on the page (true) or not (false). The component code sets this flag to inform the user when the dashboard is ready for interaction. The default value is false.
open​Links​In​New​WindowbooleanOptionalIndicates whether links to other dashboards open in a new window (true) or not (false). The default value is true.
open​LocationstringOptionalThis option specifies where the dashboard opens when users click the open icon. The default behavior is to open the dashboard in Analytics Studio (OPEN_IN_STUDIO). Other options include opening the dashboard in the Salesforce Lightning tab (OPEN_IN_TAB) or disabling the open icon (HIDE).
page​IdstringOptionalSpecifies the initial dashboard page when the component renders. If not provided, the default dashboard page is rendered.
record​IdstringOptionalThe ID of the current entity for the component’s display context.
renderedbooleanSet by the componentIndicates whether the component is rendered (true) or not (false). The component code sets this flag to inform the user when the component is ready for interaction. The default value is true.
show​HeaderbooleanOptionalIndicates whether the dashboard displays with a header bar that includes dashboard information and controls including the Open in Analytics icon and the dashboard views menu (true) or not (false). The default value is true. The header bar automatically appears when either showSharing or showTitle is true.
show​SharingbooleanOptionalIndicates whether the dashboard shows the Share icon (true) or not (false). The dashboard must be shareable. When true, users can click the icon to open the Share dialog, where they can post to Chatter and download images and data. To show the Share icon, the minimum dashboard height is 612 pixels. The default value is false.
show​TitlebooleanOptionalIndicates whether the dashboard renders with a title (true) or not (false). The default value is true.

Here’s an example of a CRM Analytics dashboard component with most of the attributes specified. This example shows custom values overriding the default values.

See Also