Code Samples and Learning Resources

  • salesforce-einstein-platform-apex—GitHub repo that contains code for an Apex-based wrapper for both the Einstein Vision APIs and the Einstein Language APIs.

  • salesforce-einstein-vision-java—GitHub repo that contains code for a Java-based wrapper for the Einstein Image Classification API.

  • salesforce-einstein-vision-swift—GitHub repo that contains code for a Swift-based wrapper for the Einstein Image Classification API.

  • salesforce-einstein-object-detection-mobile-example—GitHub repo that contains code for a sample mobile app that uses the Einstein Object Detection API.

  • Einstein Vision Quick Start Code Samples—GitHub repo that contains Java and Ruby code samples that show you how to generate a JWT access token, refresh a token, and make a prediction using the Einstein Image Classification API.

  • EinsteinVisionPython—GitHub repo that contains code for a Python-based wrapper for the Einstein Image Classification API.

  • einstein-ai—GitHub repo that contains objects and code that you can use to access Einstein Vision and Einstein Language from Salesforce.

  • einstein-scala-lib—GitHub repo that contains the code for a Scala-based wrapper for the Einstein Vision APIs.

  • einstein-go-apis—GitHub repo that contains the code for a Golang-based wrapper for the Einstein Vision and Einstein Language APIs.

    Note: Avoid security vulnerabilities and CVEs by using the latest versions of code libraries and dependencies in any sample code.