Apex Actions

Invoke Apex methods annotated with @InvocableMethod and include custom parameters with @InvocableVariable.

This object is available in API version 33.0 and later.

Supported REST HTTP Methods

Get a list of available Apex actions:
Get information about a specific Apex action:
HTTP Methods
Authorization: Bearer token
This example invokes the Apex action called ActionTestWithSObject, which takes a list of Accounts, increases the employee count for each account by one, and returns an updated list of account IDs. The top-level key name in the JSON request body must be inputs.
POST /services/data/vXX.X/actions/custom/apex/ActionTestWithSObject

 "inputs": [
   "objects": {
    "attributes" : {
     "type" : "Account"
    "Name": "Acme"
   "objects": {
    "attributes" : {
     "type" : "Account"
    "Name": "Global Media"
Here’s the Apex code.
public class ActionTestWithSObject {
 @InvocableMethod(label='Action Test With sObject' description='Given a list of sObjects (Accounts), increase employee count by one and return account ID' category='Account')
 public static List<String> getAccountNames(List<Account> objects) {
  List<String> accountIds = new List<String>();
  for (Account a : objects) {
   Account retrievedAccount = [SELECT Id, NumberOfEmployees FROM Account WHERE Name =:a.Name LIMIT 1];
   retrievedAccount.NumberOfEmployees += 1;
   update retrievedAccount;
  return accountIds;

The resource is the name of the Apex class, not the Apex method. In this example, the resource is /ActionTestWithSObject, not /getAccountNames.


  • Describe and invoke for an Apex action respect the profile access for the Apex class. If you don’t have access, an error is issued.
  • If you add an Apex action to a flow, and then remove the @InvocableMethod annotation from the Apex class, you get a runtime error in the flow.
  • If an Apex action is used in a flow, packageable components that reference these elements aren’t automatically included in the package. For example, if you use an email alert, you must manually add the email template that is used by that email alert. To deploy the package successfully, manually add those referenced components to the package.
  • An Apex invocable action can be declared public or global in a managed package. However, that action doesn’t appear in Flow Builder’s list of available Apex actions. Flows within the same managed package can still refer to these invocable actions. Global Apex invocable actions in a managed package can be used in flows outside the managed package, anywhere in the organization, and appear in Flow Builder’s list of available Apex actions.


Supply input values that correspond to the Apex action.

  • A POST request body must use the JSON format specified in Invoking Actions.
  • Apex methods annotated with @InvocableMethod must take a List as an input and return a List or Null. For more information, see @InvocableMethod Annotation in the Apex Developer Guide.
  • Only the following primitive types are supported as inputs in a POST request body:
    • Blob
    • Boolean
    • Date
    • Datetime
    • Decimal
    • Double
    • ID
    • Integer
    • Long
    • String
    • Time
  • Concrete types inherited from the sObject. In the previous example, the inherited concrete type is Account.
  • A user-defined type, containing variables of the supported types and with the InvocableVariable annotation. To implement your data type, create a custom global or public Apex class. The class must contain at least one member variable with the invocable variable annotation.


The Apex InvocableMethod determines the output values.