Create a Query Job

Creates a query job.


Available since release

This resource is available in API version 47.0 and later.

HTTP method
Authorization:Bearer token
Optionally, use the Sforce-Call-Options header to specify a default namespace.
Request body
The request body specifies the query to be performed.
  "operation": "query",
  "query": "SELECT Id FROM Account"

Bulk API 2.0 doesn’t support SOQL queries that include any of these items:

  • Aggregate Functions such as COUNT().
  • Date functions in GROUP BY clauses. (Date functions in WHERE clauses are supported.)
  • Compound address fields or compound geolocation fields. (Instead, query the individual components of compound fields.)
  • Parent-to-child relationship queries. (Child-to-parent relationship queries are supported.)

Don’t use ORDER BY or LIMIT, as they disable PKChunking for the query. With PKChunking disabled, the query takes longer to execute, and potentially results in query timeouts. If ORDER BY or LIMIT is used, and you experience query time outs, then remove the ORDER BY or LIMIT clause before any subsequent troubleshooting.


You can also specify some optional parameters. For example:
  "operation" : "query",
  "query" : "SELECT Id FROM Account",
  "contentType" : "CSV",
  "columnDelimiter" : "CARET",
  "lineEnding" : "CRLF"
Request parameters
Parameter Description Required or Optional
operation The type of query. Possible values are:
  • query—Returns data that hasn’t been deleted or archived. For more information, see query() in SOAP API Developer Guide.
  • queryAll—Returns records that have been deleted because of a merge or delete, and returns information about archived Task and Event records. For more information, see queryAll() in SOAP API Developer Guide.
query The query to be performed. Required
contentType The format to be used for the results. Currently the only supported value is CSV (comma-separated variables). Defaults to CSV.


The actual separator can be a character other than a comma. The columnDelimiter parameter specifies what character to use.
columnDelimiter The column delimiter used for CSV job data. The default value is COMMA. Possible values are:
  • BACKQUOTE—back quote character (`)
  • CARET—caret character (^)
  • COMMA—comma character (,)
  • PIPE—pipe character (|)
  • SEMICOLON—semicolon character (;)
  • TAB—tab character
lineEnding The line ending used for CSV job data, marking the end of a data row. The default is LF. Possible values are:
  • LF—linefeed character
  • CRLF—carriage return character followed by a linefeed character
Response Body
   "id" : "750R0000000zlh9IAA",
   "operation" : "query",
   "object" : "Account",
   "createdById" : "005R0000000GiwjIAC",
   "createdDate" : "2018-12-10T17:50:19.000+0000",
   "systemModstamp" : "2018-12-10T17:50:19.000+0000",
   "state" : "UploadComplete",
   "concurrencyMode" : "Parallel",
   "contentType" : "CSV",
   "apiVersion" : 46.0,
   "lineEnding" : "LF",
   "columnDelimiter" : "COMMA"
Response Parameters
Parameter Description
id The unique ID for this job.
operation The type of query.
object The object type being queried.
createdById The ID of the user who created the job.
createdDate The UTC date and time when the job was created.
systemModstamp The UTC date and time when the API last updated the job information.
The current state of processing for the job. Possible values are:
  • UploadComplete—The job is ready to be processed and Salesforce has put the job in the queue.
  • InProgress—Salesforce is processing the job.
  • Aborted—The job has been aborted. See Abort a Query Job.
  • JobComplete—Salesforce has finished processing the job.
  • Failed—The job failed.

concurrencyMode Reserved for future use. How the request is processed. Currently only parallel mode is supported. (When other modes are added, the API chooses the mode automatically. The mode isn’t user configurable.)
contentType The format to be used for the results. Currently the only supported value is CSV.
apiVersion The API version that the job was created in.
lineEnding The line ending used for CSV job data, marking the end of a data row.
columnDelimiter The column delimiter used for CSV job data.


This example creates a job that queries Accounts.
curl --include --request POST \
--header "Authorization: Bearer token" \
--header "Accept: application/json " \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
  "operation": "query",
  "query": "SELECT Id, Name FROM Account"
}' \
The response is:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
   "id" : "750R0000000zw4yIAA",
   "operation" : "query",
   "object" : "Account",
   "createdById" : "005R0000000GiwjIAC",
   "createdDate" : "2018-12-17T21:00:17.000+0000",
   "systemModstamp" : "2018-12-17T21:00:17.000+0000",
   "state" : "UploadComplete",
   "concurrencyMode" : "Parallel",
   "contentType" : "CSV",
   "apiVersion" : 46.0,
   "lineEnding" : "LF",
   "columnDelimiter" : "COMMA"