Create a Platform Event for Checkout Notifications

Create a platform event to notify users that an intermediate checkout stage is complete.

  1. From Setup, in the Quick Find Box, enter Platform Events, and select Platform Events.

  2. Create a platform event.

  3. Fill in the New Platform Event form.

    1. For Label, enter Checkout Intermediate Notification.

    2. For Plural Label, enter Checkout Intermediate Notifications.

    3. For Object Name, select Checkout_Intermediate_Notification.

    4. For Publish Behavior, select Publish After Commit.

    5. Click Save.

  4. Create a field with a Text data type.

    1. In the Custom Fields and Relationships section, click New.

    2. For Data Type, select Text, and click Next.

    3. For Field Label, enter Cart Session ID

    4. For Length, enter 255.

    5. For Field Name, enter Cart_Session_ID

    6. Click Save.

  5. Create two more custom text fields, and label them Next State and State.