Manage Subscriber Status for One or All Lists

This page contains information about managing the status of a single subscribers on either a specified list or all lists on which the subscriber resides.

Using a subscriber's status, you can determine whether a subscriber receives or is prevented from receiving email messages sent to that list.

Use the sample code below as a model for your own calls.

You can unsubscribe a subscriber from a specified list by creating a SubscriberList object, then setting the ID, Action, and Status properties of that object:

$list = new ExactTarget_SubscriberList(); $list->ID = $id; $list->Action = "Update"; $list->Status = "Unsubscribed";

Once this object has been created, set the Subscriber object's Lists property with that object, like this:

$subscriber->Lists[] = $list;

You can perform the following actions:

  • Create
  • Update
  • Delete

You can set the following statuses:

  • Active
  • Deleted
  • Unsubscribed

Deleting a subscriber from a list may allow an unsubscribed subscriber to receive further emails if that subscriber is added back to the list. Instead, leave the subscriber on the list in an unsubscribed status to prevent them from receiving unwanted emails.