Transactional Messaging API

Transactional messages are messages that are sent as a result of an activity occurring. Transactional messages are sent immediately and in an automated fashion. For example, you can use transactional messages to send order confirmation messages, password reset emails, and bank balance inquiry messages.

The transactional messaging API uses send definitions to send messages. A send definition contains references to the email template, recipients, sending options, journey, and metadata for the message. You can create send definitions using the Transactional Send Journeys feature in Journey Builder. You can also use the Transactional Messaging API to create send definitions that are available in the Marketing Cloud Engagement web interface, as well as many that aren’t available there. For more information, see createSendDefinition.

Like other Marketing Cloud Engagement features that use send definitions, the transactional messaging API requires content to exist as a message in the appropriate channel, such as email, SMS, or push. You can optionally specify additional components of the send definition.

If you’re considering using the transactional messaging API for your use case, keep these factors in mind.

  • Single send requests, which use the recipient object attribute rather than the recipients array attribute, must provide a unique messageKey value as an ID.
  • The API doesn’t support suppression lists or exclusion scripts.
  • The API supports send logging only if your account is configured for auto send logging. To maintain maximum performance, ensure that your send log is configured with a data retention policy.
  • To deduplicate at send time, use messageKey. Don’t use a primary key on the triggered send data extension.
  • You can create up to 500 total email transactional send definitions plus email triggered send definitions in a 7-day period for 1 business unit. This limit applies to send definitions created in the Marketing Cloud Engagement web interface and using API. It doesn’t apply to Journey Builder email activity triggered send definitions.