Create a Facebook App

To enable Experience Cloud site logins through Facebook, start by creating a Facebook app.

A Facebook app is comparable to a Salesforce connected app. It is a container for settings that govern the connectivity and authentication of your app on mobile devices.

  1. Go to

  2. Log in with your Facebook developer account, or register if you’re not a registered Facebook developer.

  3. Go to Apps | Create a New App.

  4. Set display name to “FineApps Experience Cloud Site Test”.

  5. Add a Namespace, if you want. Per Facebook’s requirements, a namespace label must be twenty characters or less, using only lowercase letters, dashes, and underscores. For example, “my_fb_goodapps”.

  6. For Category, choose Utilities.

  7. Copy and store your App ID and App Secret for later use.

You can log in to the app using the following URL:<App ID>/dashboard/