iOS Native Template Apps

Mobile SDK 9.0 updates its default Swift template to iOS 14 standards and maintains its Objective-C template from the previous release.

Where possible, we changed noninclusive terms to align with our company value of Equality. We maintained certain terms to avoid any effect on customer implementations.

Here’s a comparison summary of the forceios default templates.

Swift Template

  • iOSNativeSwiftTemplate
  • Demonstrates two levels of master-detail navigation.
  • Uses SwiftUI for all views
  • Demonstrates model-view architecture
  • Distributes management of app life-cycle events between AppDelegate and SceneDelegate
  • Handles asynchronous REST responses with various Combine Publisher objects
  • Demonstrates offline features using SmartStore and Mobile Sync
Objective-C Template

  • iOSNativeTemplate
  • Displays a single list of contacts
  • Manages app life-cycle events through AppDelegate
  • Handles asynchronous REST responses in SFRestDelegate

You can find both templates in the repo. How you use them with forceios is slightly different.

  • To select the native Swift application type, press Return or type native_swift:

  • To select the Objective-C application type, type native:

Mobile SDK also offers the following specialized iOS templates.


A more extended example of Mobile Sync technology. Includes a Recent Contacts widget implementation. Also demonstrates iPad features, including multiple windows and landscape orientation support.


For creating identity provider apps with Mobile SDK.


Demonstrates how to process encrypted notifications.

You use these templates with the forceios createwithtemplate command. For example, to create an app with the Swift encrypted notifications template:

  • (Mobile SDK 8.0 and later) If you’re using a template from the SalesforceMobileSDK-Templates repo, you can specify just the template name without the URI path.