Add the #DF24 Developer Keynote to your agenda. Join us in-person on 9/18 at 2:30 p.m. PT or on Salesforce+ at 5 p.m. PT for the must-see session built just for developers.

1–99 General

1ValidationName already existsThe partner key is already used in the account; use a different partner key. You could also delete the existing item that uses the key value before creating the item.
2System - General ExceptionException occurred during [{Operation}] ErrorID: {ErrorID}This error can occur when there is a SOAP fault during authentication (login has an unexpected exception). Log error information and contact Salesforce Customer Support.
3Validation - UpdateOptions objectEnsure the value of the Update action is either "update", "create", or "delete." This error occurs when the update action you specified can’t occur because the object to update doesn’t exist or the information you specified to update doesn’t match the information available on the object. To correct this error, create the object before updating it, if it doesn’t exist. Ensure that the data to be updated on the objects exists.
4System - GetLoginLocation methodYou don't have access to an account with customer key of [CustomerKey].Log error information and contact Salesforce Customer Support.
5ValidationCannot perform {method} on objects of type {object}Use the object with an allowed method.
6ValidationNo object specified at 0-based index {index}Don't pass a Null object into the Objects array on the Create method.
8This operation does not support the APIObject of type [type]
9System (SOAP Fault)Member: [member] is In Maintenance. The operation: [operation] is authorized to process or queue while in maintenance however the objects: [objects] are not. Please remove objects from request and try again or resubmit request once the member is out of maintenance state.Member: [member] is not In Maintenance but Member DB: [MemberDB] on Server: [server] could not be accessed. Member request was denied.Log the message.Queue messages until Marketing Cloud Engagement is out of the maintenance window or use SOAP API in Asynchronous mode. Use the GetSystemStatus call to determine when to continue using Marketing Cloud Engagement.
10System (SOAP Fault)Log the message.Queue messages until Marketing Cloud Engagement is running again or use SOAP API in Asynchronous mode. Use the GetSystemStatus call to determine when to continue using Marketing Cloud Engagement.
11Validation (SOAP Fault)Member: [member] does not have AsyncAPI authorization. Request was deniedContact Salesforce Customer Support to ensure that the SOAP Web Service API feature is turned on in the account and the account user has the appropriate permissions.
12Validation (SOAP Fault)Check your username and password.
13System (SOAP Fault)Synchronous request cannot be completed at this time due to database problems. This request was not processed.Log the error and contact Salesforce Customer Support.
17Rate LimitedWe noticed an abnormal spike in your call volume so your SOAP Web Service account has been rate limited temporarily.Verify your current call volume and adjust it to be spread over time.