POST /data/v1/async/dataextensions/{id}/rows

Insert data into a data extension asynchronously by key or ID. If you want to update existing rows in a data extension, use the upsert method instead.

idguidRequiredThe unique identifier of the data extension. If you don’t provide an external key, you must provide an ID.
keystringRequiredThe external customer key of the data extension. If you don’t provide an ID, you must provide a key. Prepend the parameter with key:. For example, /dataextensions/key:{key}/rows
itemsarrayRequiredAn array of objects, where each object represents a row of data in the target data extension. Each object is expected to contain name-value pairs matching the column name and value of the target.
202  Accepted
 requestIdguidThe unique identifier of a successfully queued request. Use this ID in subsequent operations to retrieve the status or the results of the operation.

The request body consists of items, which is an array of JSON objects. Each object is expected to be a name-value pair that corresponds to the columns of the destination data extension. In this example, the data extension must have the fields FirstName, LastName, and ZipCode. Partial payloads are valid if they include all of the required fields.

A successfully queued request returns the RequestId. Use this RequestId in subsequent operations to determine the status of the asynchronous call and overall results of the persist operation.

This error response shows when the custom object can't be found before the request gets queued. Any errors that occur during the processing of the request by the business service are recorded with the results and are retrievable using the /data/v1/async/{requestId}/results?includeDetail=true resource.