Creating a CSC UI Configuration Manually
Create a UI configuration by entering it manually. The agent must have the necessary permissions.
Select Administration > Site Development > Customer Service Center Settings.
Select the customizable area.
Basket view
Basket billing address
Basket billing address view
Basket shipping address
Basket shipping address view
Customer address book
Customer address create
Customer address edit
Customer baskets
Customer create
- Add or update form fields to capture additional customer information for the account. For example, birthday, phone number.
Customer edit
Customer order history
Customer search
Customer summary
Order billing address view
Order payment instrument
- Update to reorder form fields for payment capture
Order search
- Update to display additional fields for order search
Order shipping address view
Order summary
Price adjustment
- Update reason codes for manual price adjustments
Product detail
- Display product content, such as short or long descriptions and other product attributes
Product search - Display additional product content and attributes on product search result sets
All customizable address areas must be updated if you want to include country and state/province values in the address form fields on the UI.
Enter or edit the configuration.
Click Save.