Hand Off a Basket
The agent hands off a basket for an order received over the phone so that the registered customer can then complete the checkout process in the merchant's storefront. The agent must have the necessary permissions.
Create an order.
Select the customer.
Add products.
Click Hand Off Basket.
The customer can then log in to the merchant's storefront, access the shopping cart, and complete the checkout process.
The customer can have only one active cart session at time.
A registered customer's active basket can be handed off to an agent in Customer Service Center. The agent can then add or update the cart with new items, apply discounts, and then return the basket back to the customer to complete the checkout process via the merchant's storefront. The agent must have the necessary permissions.
Select site > Merchant Tools > Ordering > Customer Service Center.
Click Find Customer.
To find a customer, enter a portion of the customer's name, and then select the customer.
To access the registered customer's active basket, click the Baskets tab.
From the Customer Detail page, click the active storefront basket.
The customer's order page opens with the customer's basket items prepopulated.
(optional) Add, update, or remove items from the basket.
(optional) Add promotions to the basket.
(optional) Based on granted permissions, apply manual price adjustments to the items, shipping, or the order.
(optional) Hand off the basket back to the customer to complete the order.