OCAPI Global Exceptions
The following table lists all OCAPI global exceptions:
Status | Type | Arguments | Description |
400 | BodyDecodingException | body (String) | The request document (body) couldn’t be decoded. |
400 | EnumConstraintViolationException | document (String) enumValue (String) | Invalid enum value provided. |
400 | FieldNotSortableException | field (String) | The specified field isn’t sortable. |
400 | HookStatusException | extensionPoint (String) statusCode (String) statusMsg (String) statusDetails (Map) | An OCAPI server-side extension point returned a status of type error. The exception contains details like extension point name, status code, status message, and custom status details. |
400 | IllegalEnumerationValueException | value (String) type (String) | Illegal enum value provided for field type. |
400 | IllegalHttpMethodOverrideException | method (String) | The HTTP method provided via |
400 | InvalidClientIdException | clientId (String) | The provided client id isn’t the expected one for this token request. |
400 | InvalidCustomPropertyException | Can’t write custom property. Value is either invalid or type doesn't support modification. | |
400 | InvalidExpandValueException | expandValue (String) | The specified expand value isn’t allowed. |
400 | InvalidHostHeaderException | host (String) | The host name is invalid. Not contained in the server allow list. |
400 | InvalidSearchFieldTypeException | field (String) value (String) type (String) | The type of the search value doesn’t match the expected field type. |
400 | InvalidVersionException | Version is missing or malformed in request URL. | |
400 | MalformedLocaleException | locale (String) | The specified locale is malformed. |
400 | MalformedMediaTypeException | mediaType (String) | The media type in |
400 | MalformedParameterException | parameter (String) value (String) | A query, header, or path parameter value is malformed. |
400 | MalformedSelectorException | selector (String) | The syntax of the specified selector is malformed. |
400 | MissingClientIdException | No client id was provided, neither as query nor as header parameter. | |
400 | NullConstraintViolationException | parameter (String) | The query or path parameter value is required, but value was null. |
400 | PropertyConstraintViolationException | document (String) path (String) | The value constraint of a document property is violated. |
400 | PropertyNotPermittedException | property (String) document (String) | A property in the given request document isn’t permitted to be modified. |
400 | QuerySearchTypesNomatchException | field1 (String) field2 (String) type1 (String) type2 (String) | The fields in the specified query don't have the same type. |
400 | QuotaExceededException | msg (String) | A platform quota constraint is violated. |
400 | RangeFilterTypeException | field (String) type (String) | The specified field type isn’t comparable in a range expression. |
400 | RangeFilterValueException | field (String) value (String) | The specified value isn’t comparable in a range expression. |
400 | ResourcePathException | message (String) | The resource path was incorrect. |
400 | SearchOperatorNotApplicableException | operator (String) field (String) | The specified search operator isn’t applicable for the search field. |
400 | StartAfterEndException | document (String) resourceId (String) startDate (DateTime) endDate (DateTime) | The specified start date is greater than the end date. |
400 | StringConstraintViolationException | parameter (String) expected (String) | The value constraint of a String query or path parameter is violated. |
400 | TermOperatorMismatchValuesException | field (String) operator (String) | The search operator doesn't match the specified values. |
400 | TypeDecodingException | path (String) expectedTypes (String) actualType (String) | The type of a document property is invalid. |
400 | UnexpectedVersionException | version (String) | The version of the request document is invalid. It has to be the URL version. |
400 | UnknownLocaleException | locale (String) | The specified locale is unknown. |
400 | UnknownPropertyException | property (String) document (String) | A property in the given request document is unknown. |
400 | UnknownSearchFieldException | field (String) | The search field is unknown. |
400 | UnknownSearchOperatorException | operator (String) | The specified search operator is unknown. |
400 | UnknownSiteIdException | siteId (String) | The site id provided for a site-specific property is unknown. |
400 | UnqueryableFieldException | field (String) | The specified search field in not queryable. |
400 | UnsupportedCurrencyException | currency (String) | The specified currency is invalid (must be ISO 4217) or not supported. |
400 | UnsupportedLocaleException | locale (String) | The specified locale isn’t supported/activated. |
400 | ValueConstraintViolationException | parameter (String) expected (String) | The value constraint of a Non-String query or path parameter is violated. |
401 | AuthorizationHeaderMissingException | ||
401 | DemoClientIdException | clientId (String) | Demo client ids aren’t allowed to be used on development, staging, or production instances. Demo client ids are permitted on sandbox instances only. |
401 | InvalidAccessTokenException | accessToken (String) | The OAuth access token sent via |
401 | InvalidAuthorizationHeaderException | Invalid | |
401 | InvalidSecureTokenException | The session secure token is invalid. Session may have been hijacked. | |
401 | UnauthorizedOriginException | origin (String) | The request origin isn’t authorized to perform the request. |
401 | UnauthorizedReadAccessException | method (String) path (String) | The client application has no READ privileges for the resource. |
401 | UnauthorizedWriteAccessException | method (String) path (String) | The client application has no WRITE privileges for the resource. |
401 | UnknownClientIdException | clientId (String) | No client application found for specified client id. |
403 | AccessWithoutUserForbiddenException | To access the resource an authenticated user is required. | |
403 | ClientAccessForbiddenException | method (String) path (String) | The current client isn’t authorized to access the resource. |
403 | OrganizationAccessForbiddenException | Global access via "/s/-/" is forbidden. Expected site-specific access via "/s/{site-id}/". | |
403 | SecureCommunicationRequiredException | The request requires a secure connection (HTTPS). | |
403 | SiteAccessForbiddenException | siteId (String) | Site-specific access via "/s/{site-id}/" is forbidden. Expected global access via "/s/-/". |
403 | SiteOfflineException | siteId (String) | Access to the offline site is forbidden. |
403 | UserAccessForbiddenException | method (String) path (String) | The current user isn’t authorized to access the resource. |
404 | CurrencyNotFoundException | currencyId (String) | No currency found for specified mnemonic. Expected ISO 4217 mnemonic code. |
404 | ResourcePathNotFoundException | path (String) | The resource couldn’t be found in specified API and version. |
404 | UnknownSiteException | siteId (String) | No site found for specified site id. |
404 | VersionNotFoundException | version (String) | Version specified in URL is either unknown. |
405 | MethodNotAllowedException | method (String) | The HTTP method isn’t allowed. |
406 | CharsetNotAcceptableException | charset (String) | Unsupported charset in |
409 | IfMatchRequiredException | ||
409 | ObjectInDeletionConflictException | objectId (String) | Object is already in (asynchronous) deletion. |
409 | ResourceStateConflictException | client (String) server (String) | A state token was sent with the request and doesn’t match the object's state on server side. |
412 | InvalidIfMatchException | ifMatch (String) | The If-Match header entity tag is invalid or out-dated. |
413 | RequestEntityTooLargeException | Request body size limit of 5 MB has been exceeded. | |
415 | UnsupportedContentTypeException | contentType (String) | Unsupported media type in |
415 | UnsupportedFormatException | format (String) | Unsupported format in |