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Global Jobs

There are several global jobs you can use.

This job builds all active-data-related search indexes for the given site scope

Job ValueDescription
URLPOST https://hostname:port/dw/data/v24_5/jobs/sfcc-search-index-active-data-full-update/executions
Request DocumentSearchIndexUpdateConfiguration
Response DocumentJobExecution


400MissingSiteScopeParameterExceptionif the site scope parameter is missing
400InvalidSiteScopeParameterExceptionsiteScopeValue (String)if the site scope parameter is empty or contains an invalid site id
400JobAlreadyRunningExceptionjobId (String)if a full active data index update job is already running for any other site scope
403UserAccessForbiddenExceptionmethod (String), path (String)if the user doesn't have permission to build active-data-related search indexes for all sites of the site scope

This job builds all content related search indexes for the given site scope

Job ValueDescription
URLPOST https://hostname:port/dw/data/v24_5/jobs/sfcc-search-index-content-full-update/executions
Request DocumentSearchIndexUpdateConfiguration
Response DocumentJobExecution


400MissingSiteScopeParameterExceptionif the site scope parameter is missing
400InvalidSiteScopeParameterExceptionsiteScopeValue (String)if the site scope parameter is empty or contains an invalid site id
400JobAlreadyRunningExceptionjobId (String)if a full content index update job is already running for any other site scope
403UserAccessForbiddenExceptionmethod (String), path (String)if the user doesn't have permission to build content related search indexes for all sites of the site scope

This job builds all product-related search indexes for the given site scope

Job ValueDescription
URLPOST https://hostname:port/dw/data/v24_5/jobs/sfcc-search-index-product-full-update/executions
Request DocumentSearchIndexUpdateConfiguration
Response DocumentJobExecution


400MissingSiteScopeParameterExceptionif the site scope parameter is missing
400InvalidSiteScopeParameterExceptionsiteScopeValue (String)if the site scope parameter is empty or contains an invalid site id
400JobAlreadyRunningExceptionjobId (String)if a full product index update job is already running for any other site scope
403UserAccessForbiddenExceptionmethod (String), path (String)if the user doesn't have permission to build product-related search indexes for all sites of the site scope

Incremental Active Data Index Update

This job updates all active-data-related search indexes for the given site scope

Job ValueDescription
URLPOST https://hostname:port/dw/data/v24_5/jobs/sfcc-search-index-active-data-incremental-update/executions
Request DocumentSearchIndexUpdateConfiguration
Response DocumentJobExecution


400MissingSiteScopeParameterExceptionif the site scope parameter is missing
400InvalidSiteScopeParameterExceptionsiteScopeValue (String)if the site scope parameter is empty or contains an invalid site id
400JobAlreadyRunningExceptionjobId (String)if an incremental active data index update job is already running for any other site scope
403UserAccessForbiddenExceptionmethod (String), path (String)if the user doesn't have permission to update active-data-related search indexes for all given sites

This job updates all content-related search indexes for the given site scope

Job ValueDescription
URLPOST https://hostname:port/dw/data/v24_5/jobs/sfcc-search-index-content-incremental-update/executions
Request DocumentSearchIndexUpdateConfiguration
Response DocumentJobExecution


400MissingSiteScopeParameterExceptionif the site scope parameter is missing
400InvalidSiteScopeParameterExceptionsiteScopeValue (String)if the site scope parameter is empty or contains an invalid site id
400JobAlreadyRunningExceptionjobId (String)if an incremental content index update job is already running for any other site scope
403UserAccessForbiddenExceptionmethod (String), path (String)if the user doesn't have permission to build content related search indexes for all sites of the site scope

This job updates all product-related search indexes for the given site scope

Job ValueDescription
URLPOST https://hostname:port/dw/data/v24_5/jobs/sfcc-search-index-content-incremental-update/executions
Request DocumentSearchIndexUpdateConfiguration
Response DocumentJobExecution


400MissingSiteScopeParameterExceptionif the site scope parameter is missing
400InvalidSiteScopeParameterExceptionsiteScopeValue (String)if the site scope parameter is empty or contains an invalid site id
400JobAlreadyRunningExceptionjobId (String)if an incremental product index update job is already running for any other site scope
403UserAccessForbiddenExceptionmethod (String), path (String)if the user doesn't have permission to build product-related search indexes for all sites of the site scope

This job is for executing a site export to an archive file based on data unit configuration in json format.

Job ValueDescription
URLPOST https://hostname:port/dw/data/v24_5/jobs/sfcc-site-archive-export/executions
Request DocumentSiteArchiveExportConfiguration
Response DocumentJobExecution

This job is for importing a whole site import ZIP file. The file is specified by its simple file name and must be already uploaded to the server. You can specify an import mode, where currently only 'merge' is supported.

Job ValueDescription
URLPOST https://hostname:port/dw/data/v24_5/jobs/sfcc-site-archive-import/executions
Request DocumentSiteArchiveImportConfiguration
Response DocumentJobExecution


400FileNotExistsExceptionfilePath (String)if the import file doesn't exist