CDN Zones

The CDN Zones API provides for multiple use cases, ranging from bad actor targeting scenarios to security enhancement ruleset options.

The initial release of the CDN API supports the Content Delivery domain, and focuses on security improvements. Over time, Salesforce expects the CDN API to support other features, many of which we currently provide in the Business Manager eCDN.

When defining API methods, keep the following in mind:

  • POST methods can return a 409 Conflict response status code when a call encounters an existing rule with the same type and action.
  • Changing rules using the PUT method overwrites existing values. When updating a rule using the PUT method, make sure to include all desired values in a list payload, not just the values you want to change.

When you create a new storefront zone, it is created as a proxy zone and is configured with a zoneName that ends in Use separate zones for development, staging, and production instances.

For each storefront zone that you create, you must create a custom hostname and update your storefront’s DNS records to send traffic to that custom hostname (CNAME):

  1. Determine your custom hostname, for example:
  2. Add an SSL certificate to an eCDN Zone and Configure DNS Mapping to activate your custom hostname.
  3. Get the DNS CNAME record value from getZonesInfo's name property. For example: CNAME
  4. Configure your DNS to send traffic to the zone with your custom hostname (CNAME). For example:`

See Create a Zone in B2C Commerce for details on creating zones using Business Manager.

Access control rules should now be configured using eCDN custom rules. When configuring access control rules, keep the following in mind:

  • When specifying more than one IP address or Country Code value in an allowlist or blocklist, include them all in a single expression using the in operator and list notation. This practice ensures that you do not issue more calls than necessary when a rule is employed. For details, see the eCDN Custom Rules guide.

  • You can specify any two-letter combination as a Country Code. However, the API recognizes only valid Country Codes in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (two-letter code) format. For more information, see the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 3166 Country Code page.

  • Regardless of their use, any Country Codes for countries embargoed or sanctioned by the United States remain blocked. For more information, see the US Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security page.

  • Make sure that any IP addresses that you include in Business Manager eCDN allowlists do not contradict IP Access or Regional Access deny rule settings in the CDN API.

    Allowlist settings in Business Manager override any contradicting rules in the CDN API.

  • IP and Regional access rules execute in a specific order: 1) embargoed countries (no override due to platform compliance), 2) IP access lists in Business Manager, 3) CDN API IP access deny lists, 4) CDN API Regional Access allowlists, and 5) any customer-requested IP or Regional blocking by Salesforce.

When using firewall rules, all remaining traffic following any configured allowlist rules was blocked. Custom rules provide more flexibility and allow you to control this behavior as needed.

The CDN API can enforce that all traffic navigates through a third-party proxy into the eCDN before accessing the B2C Commerce infrastructure. In the following use case, an architect wants to stack another, third-party CDN, or any cloud proxy, in front of the Commerce Cloud eCDN and leverage features of that third-party proxy.

To create a CDN stacking rule, use the following method:

POST /organizations/{organizationId}/zones/{zoneId}/firewall-custom/rules

Example body:

For more information on creating allowlists using custom rules, refer to the eCDN Custom Rules guide.

To update an existing CDN stacking rule, use the following method to obtain the specific rule ID that you want to update:

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/zone/{zoneId}/firewall-custom/rules

Include the rule ID in the following method to update the rule:

PATCH /organizations/{organizationId}/zone/{zoneId}/firewall-custom/rules/{ruleId}

Example body:

The API provides the ability to use a blocklist to deny specific CIDR or IP addresses. The API can prevent known bad actors from accessing the storefront as they attempt to harm or access your web application.

To create an access control rule, use the following method:

POST /organizations/{organizationId}/zones/{zoneId}/firewall-custom/rules

Example body:

To update an existing access control rule, use the following method to obtain the specific rule ID that you want to update:

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/zones/{zoneId}/firewall-custom/rules

Include the rule ID in the following method to update the rule:

PATCH /organizations/{organizationId}/zone/{zoneId}/firewall-custom/rules/{ruleId}

Example body:

The API provides the ability to block or allow traffic from specific countries. The API can ensure that only certain countries can access a storefront. In the following use case, a security-conscious eCom director wants to limit orders to within the United Kingdom, and disallow orders from outside of this region.

To create a region access control rule, use the following method:

POST /organizations/{organizationId}/zones/{zoneId}/firewall-custom/rules

Example body:

To update an existing access control rule, use the following method to obtain the specific rule ID that you want to update:

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/zones/{zoneId}/firewall-custom/rules

Include the rule ID in the following method to update the rule:

PATCH /organizations/{organizationId}/zones/{zoneId}/firewall-custom/rules/{ruleId}

Example body:

To test changes before pushing to a production instance, you can create a custom hostname for your Development instance.

Company security teams want to safeguard their storefront against a landscape in which application attacks continually change. In this use case, the API enables the team to address existing attack vectors, and provides protections against new vulnerabilities as Salesforce updates the ruleset. To enable Salesforce to manage these rulesets for you, you can use “Default” as the action in the API.

The API updates each rule individually, and reports back if an error occurs. However, when using the ruleset group method to change an action, we recommend that you check that all rules update appropriately as a best practice. If you determine that a rule was updated inappropriately, you can rerun the group change.

When turning on a Web Application Firewall (WAF) group, we recommend the following general process:

  1. Put the group in monitor mode for 7 days.
  2. Check logs for any triggered WAF events.
  3. Check that the WAF rule would stop bad actors properly, or if any WAF rules were triggered incorrectly.
  4. Change the group to default mode.
  5. Check the default setting for any rules triggered over the monitoring period, and adjust as necessary. For example, if the default setting for a triggered rule is “monitor,” change the rule setting to “challenge” or “block”.

To update an existing access control rule, use the following method to obtain the specific rule ID that you want to update:

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/zones/{zoneId}/waf/groups

Include the group ID in the following method to turn on the group, and place it in monitor mode:

PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/zones/{zoneId}/waf/groups/{groupId}

Example body:

Use the following method to obtain a list of all WAF rules, and locate the rule ID of the rule that you want to check:

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/zones/{zoneId}/waf/rules

Include the rule ID in the following method to view information specific to the rule:

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/zones/{zoneId}/waf/rules/{ruleId}

Use the following method to obtain a list of all WAF groups, and locate the group ID of the group that you want to set to default mode:

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/zones/{zoneId}/waf/groups

Include the group ID in the following method to turn on the group, and place it in default mode:

PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/zones/{zoneId}/waf/groups/{groupId}

Example body:

Use the following method to obtain a list of all WAF rules in a WAF group, and locate the rule ID of the rule that you want to modify:

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/zones/{zoneId}/waf/rules

Include the rule ID in the following method to modify the rule:

PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/zones/{zoneId}/waf/rules/{ruleId}

Example body:

Brotli is a compression algorithm developed by Google. Developed to decrease the size of transmissions, and best used for text compression, Brotli compression is applied intelligently for large files to reduce downloaded bytes to the browser and improve site performance.

Use the following method to obtain the current state of the API speed settings:

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/zones/{zoneId}/speed-settings

To modify the Brotli compression setting:

PATCH /organizations/{organizationId}/zones/{zoneId}/speed-settings

Example body:

HTTP/2 is a major revision of the HTTP network protocol. When enabled, HTTP/2 is used on supporting browsers to decrease latency and improve browser page load speed.

Use the following method to obtain the current state of the API speed settings:

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/zones/{zoneId}/speed-settings

To modify the HTTP/2 prioritization setting:

PATCH /organizations/{organizationId}/zones/{zoneId}/speed-settings

Example body:

Using the WAF eCDN logs in Business Manager, you can view which firewall rules are firing. By knowing the rule ID, you can use the CDN API endpoints to obtain context and details about why a specific rule is firing for a given HTTP request.

Cache: Where the CDN stores copies of resources that it returns to end users. What the cache stores, and for how long, is determined by the cache-control headers returned by the origin. By default, only static content is stored in cache.

CDN Hostname: The part of a zone configured by clients to indicate traffic configured for the CDN (for example, The CDN Hostname is the target for client hostnames. You can use this hostname to spoof host files to direct traffic to the CDN for testing purposes.

Client: The primary user (customer) of the CDN service.

Client Domain: The DNS zone owned and maintained by the client (for example,

Client Hostname: Hostnames tied to client-owned domains that clients configure to direct traffic to the CDN hostname.

Consumer: The end user, that is, the consumer of the resources proxied by the CDN.

Custom Rule: A rule that enables the client to set up firewall policies based on various request parameters. These rules expand previous firewall rule functionality with an extended list of fields and actions. With custom rules, you have complete control over the rule expression and increased flexibility to tailor rules to your traffic needs.

Origin: The source of truth, meaning where actual resources are stored. The origin is what the CDN proxies and protects.

Resource: Any content owned and managed by the client that can be delivered using the Internet, such as web pages, images, JavaScript, CSS, fonts, and so on.

WAF Group: A collection of WAF rules compiled under a single unit. WAF Groups enable batch update of all rules in a particular group.

WAF Rule: A WAF policy designed to defend against a specific application vulnerability or attack.

Web Application Firewall (WAF): Firewall that enables clients to protect the origin from various application level attacks, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and so on. By definition, a WAF is stateless and uses a request signature to identify threats.

Zone: The container of hostnames and properties. Each zone is tied to a single origin.