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Marketplace Integration Toolkit Configuration

We recommend creating a separate user for the integration to the Salesforce Org. You must follow the instructions on the Marketplace Managed Packaged documentation to correctly set up the permissions. You must also create a connected app in the org so you can authorize the toolkit.

The app must meet the following requirements:

  • OAuth Settings enabled.
  • Callback URL with https://[url] (dependent on your Heroku app).
  • API, refresh_token, and offline_access OAuth Scopes.
  • The value for "Refresh Token Policy" is "Refresh token is valid until revoked" when you click Manage.

Configuration instructions:

  1. Access the Marketplace toolkit, and log in with your Admin user.

  2. To add a Tenant, navigate to the "Tenants" page and click Create New.

  3. Populate the Create Tenant form with the following required information:

    • Name: a name to identify this tenant.
    • IsEnabled: if the tenant is active or not.
    • Login: username of the user used to check the integration logs of this tenant inside the toolkit.
    • Password: tenant user password.
    • SFDCConsumentKey: The connected app Consumer Key.
    • SFDCConsumerSecret: The connected app Consumer Secret.
    • SFDCIsSandbox: If the app is in a Sandbox environment or not.
  4. After creating your tenant, you're redirected to an Authorization page. Select Authorize, and follow the procedure to give the app permission (make sure that you log in to the org using the integration user).

    For existing tenants, access this page from the option Authorize/ReAuthorize Salesforce App if you must refresh the access token.

  5. Click Authorize to be redirected to the login page for Salesforce. Make sure to use the desired integration user login.

    You’re asked to authorize the app and redirected back to the toolkit, informing you that access is OK.

  6. From the detail page of the tenant, retrieve the API User and API Password that is used to configure API Access in B2C Commerce.

  7. With the Authorization in place, log out as the admin user and log in to the dashboard with the newly created tenant user.

    Here you can manage the integrations and force some actions like searching for updates to sync.

    Be aware that abusing this could lead to overcalling the SFDC API, and reaching governor limits.