Upgrade Node Version

You must upgrade to Node.js 20 or higher, or you will not be able to deploy your site For more information, see the table below.

Customers control which version of Node.js is used to run a Managed Runtime environment. Every two years, customers must upgrade Node.js versions, as support for older versions is removed to maintain security.

Support date definitions

  • End of Life: Customers will no longer be able to deploy bundles using this version of Node.js after this date.
  • Deprecation: Customers will start seeing a warning that a Node.js version upgrade will be required in the future for uninterrupted deployments.
  • Availability: When this version of Node.js was first supported.

The current recommended version is Node.js 22.

VersionAvailability dateDeprecation dateEnd of Life date
22.xJanuary 31, 2025
20.xJanuary 19, 2024
18.xJune 21, 2023January 31, 2025September 1, 2025
16.xMarch 3, 2023June 21, 2023September 13, 2023
14.xSeptember 18, 2021April 30, 2023September 13, 2023
12.xSeptember 18, 2021September 20, 2022November 14, 2022

To update an environment to the latest supported version of Node.js:

  • Edit your project’s package.json file.
  • Upgrade your project to the latest minor version of PWA Kit 2.x or 3.x.
  • Update ssrParameters.ssrFunctionNodeVersion to the latest supported version of Node.js. This attribute sets the version of Node.js used by Managed Runtime environments.
  • Update your local development environments, continuous integration servers, and anything that builds bundles to use the latest supported version of Node.js. Reinstall all of your project's packages using the new Node.js version.
  • Test that your project works as expected in a local development environment.
  • Push a new bundle and deploy it to a non-production environment.
  • Confirm that the environment works as expected.
  • Deploy the new bundle to your production environment.