Create a Pricing Component that Displays Discount Percentage

Enhance store pricing by displaying the percentage discount alongside a negotiated price. Create the app by adapting a productPricing component from the Commerce LWR library.

Required Editions
Available in: Enterprise, Unlimited, and Developer Editions
Available in: B2B Commerce and D2C Commerce

Screenshot showing discount percentage alongside reduced price.

Before you begin this task set up your Commerce DX environment and clone the Commerce LWR repo. See xref to Get Reference Components from the LWR Library. In Visual Studio (VS) Code editor, cloning by default places each library component in force-app/main/default/lwc.

Customizing the productPricing component to display the discount percentage alongside the negotiated price requires changes to the reference lightning web component project files.

  • In the javascript file, you add the discount calculation logic.
  • In the javascript-metadata file you optionally specify targets to deploy the custom component and optionally enable component property editing in Experience Builder.
  • In the HTML template you specify where to display the discount percentage.
  1. Open your VS Code editor.

  2. In the lwc/productPricing folder, double-click productPricing.js.

    The file is open in the Visual Studio Code editor.

  3. To insert the discount percentage calculation logic, add the code in the snippet and highlighted in the screenshot.


  4. Save the file.

  5. In the productPricing folder, double-click productPricing.js-meta.xml.

    The file is open in the Visual Studio Code editor.

  6. If you deploy the force-app/main/default/lwc with this custom LWC, skip this step; the lwc/builderProductPricing.js-meta.xml file includes the Experience Builder target declarations.

    To make your LWC deployable in Experience Builder, set isExposed to true, and define {lightningCommunity__Page}{lightningCommunity__Page_Layout}, or {lightningCommunity__Theme_Layout} in targets.

    The snippet specifies a pricing js.meta.xml for a component in Experience Builder and also enables component property editing.

    Screenshot of prodcutPricing js.meta file.

  7. Save the file.

  8. In the Visual Studio Code explorer, double-click productPricing.html.

    The productPricing.html template is open in the Visual Studio Code editor.

  9. To display the discount percentage element alongside a negotiated price, add the <span> highlighted in the snippet.

    Screenshot showing discount percentage html snippet.

  10. Save the file.

  11. From the component project directory in Visual Studio Code, right-click the enhanced productPricing under force-app/main/lwc, and select SFDX: Deploy Source to Org.

    View the status of your deployment on the Output tab of the integrated terminal, where SFDX displays a notice that includes an exit code, such as “SFDX: Deploy Source to Org ... ended with exit code 0.” Exit code 0 means that the command ran successfully.

  12. In the VS Code editor, open the Command Palette by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P (Windows) or Cmd+Shift+P (macOS).

  13. Enter SFDX.

  14. Select SFDX: Open Default Org.

    Your store opens in a separate browser.

  15. In the left Navigation panel, click Components.

    The custom component displays under Components | Custom Components.

  16. From the Custom area of the Lightning Components list, drag your Lightning web component to the page canvas.

  17. To edit component properties, select the component on the page canvas, and enter changes in the component property editor.