Public Commerce LWR Library

Accelerate the development process with ready-to-use Lightning web components that help you customize your Commerce storefronts.

The Public Commerce LWR Library in GitHub is an open repository of components that look and function like the product components available in Experience Builder. Clone and customize these public components to streamline your workflow and build outstanding Commerce storefronts.

The library is organized as an SFDX (Salesforce DX) project, and the components in this library are continually updated.

Contents include:

  • Buttons, links, and windows with styling options
  • Product Detail Page (PDP) items such as pricing displays, discount tiers, product variant selectors, and pricing quantity rules
  • Add to Cart and item quantity selector controls
  • Search results and filters

The PDP and search components in the reference library employ a versatile API to update data in component properties. These Builder-supported component APIs use expressions and data binding to achieve continuous data flows. The expressions and data bindings serve as input for @api properties in the reference LWCs.

See Also