Simplified Cart Cleanup

As of Spring ’25 (API version 63.0), customers can modify a cart during the checkout process without canceling and restarting the checkout. This feature applies to LWR stores with the Cart Calculate API enabled.

Previously, any change to a cart with the status of Checkout canceled the current checkout session and set the status to Active. Buyers had to go back to cart, make their adjustments, and initiate checkout again. This behavior was time-consuming and prevented options like editing cart item quantities from being offered on checkout screens.

If needed, you can revert your store to the previous behavior. To disable simplified cart cleanup, contact Salesforce customer support or your account representative.

With simplified cart cleanup, when a customer modifies their cart, the Cart Calculate API performs checkout calculations like shipping and taxes based on the new cart contents. The cart status can remain in Checkout rather than reverting back to Active. This adjustment keeps the checkout flow uninterrupted and leads to a smoother transaction.

You can also call the Salesforce Commerce Cart Connect APIs without canceling checkout. For example, make a PATCH or DELETE request to the Commerce Webstore Cart Item resource to update or delete an item from a cart in checkout.

To support coupons in checkout, we previously introduced the Commerce Webstore Checkout Coupon resources for POST and DELETE requests. Now, you can use the Commerce Webstore Cart Coupon resources for POST and DELETE requests instead. We plan to remove the Commerce Webstore Checkout Coupon resources in API version 65.0.

If simplified cart cleanup is enabled, POST requests to the Commerce Webstore Cart, Arrange Items resource and DELETE requests to the Commerce Webstore Cart Delivery Group resource return new status codes. Previously, successful POST requests returned 201 and successful DELETE requests returned 204 in the response header. Now, these requests return 202.

The Commerce Webstore Checkout resource remains fully supported. If needed, you can still cancel a checkout using a DELETE request.

ResourceMethodBehavior with simplified cart cleanup enabled (API version 63.0 and later)
Commerce Webstore Cart ItemsPOSTAdd an item to a cart without canceling checkout.
Commerce Webstore Cart ItemPATCH, DELETEUpdate or delete an item in a cart without canceling checkout.
Commerce Webstore Cart CouponsPOSTApply a coupon to a cart without canceling checkout.
Commerce Webstore Cart CouponDELETERemove a coupon from a cart without canceling checkout.
Commerce Webstore Cart, Arrange ItemsPOSTArrange cart items into delivery groups without canceling checkout. Successful requests return 202.
Commerce Webstore Cart Delivery GroupsPOSTCreate a collection of delivery groups in a cart without canceling checkout.
Commerce Webstore Cart Delivery GroupPATCH, DELETEUpdate or delete a delivery group in a cart without canceling checkout. Successful DELETE requests return 202.
Commerce Webstore Checkout CouponsPOSTDeprecated. Use Commerce Webstore Cart Coupons instead.
Commerce Webstore Checkout Coupon, DeleteDELETEDeprecated. Use Commerce Webstore Cart Coupon instead.