Extension Provider Examples

Extension provider examples are stored in the commerce-extensiblity repo.

This example shows an extension provider for a cart calculation orchestrator. This example extends the CartExtension.CartCalculate base class. This example also demonstrates default orchestration behavior for B2B and B2C stores.

This example demonstrates cart calculation behavior before checkout and during checkout.

This example shows an extension provider for a cart item. This example extends the ConnectApi.BaseEndpointExtension base class.

This example shows an extension provider for a cart item collection. This example extends the ConnectApi.BaseEndpointExtension base class.

During an asynchronous flow, a post hook can execute before or after the async cart processing completes. However, if a before hook is present, it always executes before the cart is processed.

This example shows an extension provider for the pricing service. This example extends the commercestorepricing.PricingService base class.

This example shows an extension provider for a promotion calculator. This example extends the CartExtension.PromotionsCartCalculator base class.

This example shows an extension provider for a shipping calculator. This example extends the CartExtension.ShippingCartCalculator base class.

This example shows an extension provider for a tax calculator. This example extends the CartExtension.TaxCartCalculator base class.

See Also