Class that represents the output of the customer pricing API callout.
Constructs PricingResponse by delegating the call to internal java class
Checks if there are no errors in fetching the pricing information
Type | Description |
Boolean | True if there are no errors in fetching the pricing information, false otherwise |
Returns currency ISO code
Type | Description |
String | Currency ISO code |
Set currency ISO code for this Pricing Response
Param | Description |
currencyIsoCode | Currency ISO Code |
Retrieves error message in case of errors in fetching the pricing information
Type | Description |
String | Error message |
Retrieves localized error message in case of errors in fetching the pricing information
Type | Description |
String | Localized error message |
Returns error code in case of errors while fetching the pricing information
Type | Description |
String | Error code |
Set error message and localized error message
Param | Description |
errorMessage | Error message |
localizedErrorMessage | Localized error message |
Retrieves the list of commercestorepricing.PricingResponseItem by delegating the call to internal java class
Type | Description |
PricingResponseItemCollection | list of PricingResponseItems in the response |
Removes an item from the list of response items by delegating the call to internal java class
Param | Description |
pricingResponseItem | commercestorepricing.PricingResponseItem to remove from the list of response items |
Adds an item to list of response items by delegating the call to internal java class
Param | Description |
pricingResponseItem | commercestorepricing.PricingResponseItem to add to the list of response items |