Configure SFRA

After you've built and pushed your code to your instance, configure your application in Business Manager and in your browser.

Before you can use the contents of a cartridge, upload the cartridge to the server and register the cartridge with the server. In Business Manager, register cartridges to a site. By registering cartridges, you make the cartridges available. Cartridges can be shared among sites.

  1. Select Administration > Sites > Manage Sites > site.

  2. Click the Settings tab.

  3. In the Cartridges field, enter a colon-separated list of cartridge names. Cartridges at the beginning of the list (at the left) take precedence over cartridges at the end of the path (at the right).

    • An SFRA storefront cartridge path can contain the following cartridges:

    • A custom storefront cartridge path can contain the following cartridges:

  4. Click Apply.

To view products in Storefront Reference Architecture (SFRA) storefront sites, import the standard SFRA data. This data includes product information and images.

It's safe to import SFRA into an empty sandbox. However, if you also want to import custom sites, make sure that you import SFRA first before importing the custom sites. By importing SFRA first and then importing your custom site, you ensure that custom attributes for your custom sites are retained if there are conflicts. Your custom attributes overwrite any imported SFRA custom attributes. If the SFRA custom attributes are overwritten, you risk changing the SFRA site’s behavior, but your custom attribute data is retained.

Do not import SFRA data into an instance in your Primary Instance Group (PIG).

If you import SFRA into an instance that contains other customized sites, you risk overwriting existing attributes and losing data.

  1. Zip up the repository data.

    If you are performing this step on a Mac, don't use the Mac OS archive utility. Instead, zip up the repository from the command line. Files compressed using the MacOS archive utility cause errors on import.

  2. Select Administration > Site Development > Site Import & Export.

  3. In the Import section, select Local to upload the site .zip file from your local machine.

  4. Click Browse, select the .zip file you want to upload, and click Open

    The name of the .zip file appears in the grid.

  5. In the Select column, select the .zip file and click Import.

  6. Click OK to import the selected archive.

We recommend using standard Salesforce B2C Commerce URL syntax in the early phases of development.

  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Site Preference > Storefront URL.

  2. On the Storefront URL Preferences page, make sure the Enable Storefront URLs option isn't selected.

    Now you can enter a URL such as https://localhost/on/ directly in your browser to test new controllers. Make sure cookies are enabled in your browser.

Select the instance type and other preferences for SFRA.

  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > Storefront Configuration.

  2. On the Custom Site Preferences page, select the instance type (if you are changing the type).

    The instance type is applied immediately. Some Business Manager modules have settings that are specific to a selected instance type. The instance types are:

    • Sandbox / Development
    • Staging
    • Production
  3. Enter the tag that is used by the storefront application as a Google verification tag.

    Google uses this tag to verify the site.

  4. Enter the email addresses to be sent the build notifications, separated by a semicolon.

    You can send email notification to one or more email addresses when a new build is available.

  5. Enter the default list price book ID to be used by the storefront.

  6. To save your changes, click Apply.