SFRA Features

This document contains list of features available and supported by the Storefront Reference Architecture on the B2C Commerce Cloud platform.

1.2Global Navigation
1.4Tracking Consent
1.5Cookie Notification
1.6Homepage - content slots, product tiles, product quickview, email sign-up form
ID Feature
2.1 Search Suggestions (Search as you type - SAYT)
  • Dynamic search list automatically shown when search term is typed in search field
  • Support to display Einstein Predictive Search results
2.2 Search Results with no Products
  • Did you Mean in case of mis-spellings
  • Search tips
  • Display content slot with pre-configured product recommendations
  • Support to display Einstein powered product recommendations on Search
  • No Results page
2.3 Search Results with Products
2.4 Search Results with Articles (Unstructured Content)
2.5 Article Detail Page
2.6 Search Refinements
2.6.1 Search Refinements with Single-Select and Multi-Select
ID Feature
Category Landing page
The Category Landing template can be configured in Business Manager when the category attribute rendering template is set to rendering/category/catLanding.
3.2 Category Grid
3.3 Product tiles on Category and Search Results pages
Product Title - Pricing
Single, 2-Tier and Range Pricing all supported
ID Feature
4.1 Compare Bucket
  • Add items to the compare bucket for side-by-side product attribute comparison
  • Applies to Category Grid pages, but not to Search pages.
  • Product sets and bundles are not comparable.
4.2 Compare Products
  • Select & display up to four products to compare.
  • When fewer than four are selected, the width of each item expands.
ID Feature
5.1 Product Detail page (PDP)
  • Display product attributes and information including images
  • Size chart
  • Add to cart
  • Add to wishlist/registry (if applicable)
Note: Product Images, Description, and Size Chart either based on primary category or product attribute.
5.1.1 Standard Product Detail page
Product Option Detail
Note: Product Option isn’t a stand alone page, this is a feature of a product to associate options with a product.
5.1.3 Variation Product Detail page
5.2 Product Detail w/ limited inventory message
5.3 Product Detail w/ Price Display and Promotion Callouts
5.4 Product Detail w/ Bonus Products
5.5 Product Sets Detail page
5.6 Product Bundles Detail page
Einstein Product Recommendations
Support to display Einstein powered product recommendations on product detail page for cross-sells and upsells
5.8 Product Detail with In-store inventory
  • Support to display in-store inventory information if available in Business Manager
  • Shopper needs to select SKU and Store information to view available inventory
ID Feature
6 Quickview
  • Display a module window when a shopper clicks the Quickview icon within a product grid.
  • Add to cart.
Note: Quickview is not designed to support Mobile devices.
6.1 Quickview: Standard Product detail
6.2 Quickview: Product Option detail
6.3 Quickview: Variation Product detail
6.4 Quickview: Product sets detail
6.5 Quickview: Product bundles detail
ID Feature
7 In-Store Pickup (ISPU)
  • Display in-store pickup on the Product Detail page
  • Install the plugin_instorepickup cartridge.
  • Assign an active inventory book to the store record.
  • Enable the product attribute availableForInStorePickup.
7.1 ISPU: Product detail page with no saved store
7.1.1 ISPU: Store selection (Enter Zip code / Postal code)
7.2 ISPU: Product Detail page with saved store
7.3 ISPU: Cart page
  • For a store saved in the session, display store details such as name, address, and phone number.
  • If no store is saved in session, allow selection for Store Pickup in the Shipping Method options
7.4 ISPU: Shipping Address for Ship method selection with no saved store
  • If no store is saved in session, allow selection for Store Pickup in the Shipping Method options
7.5 ISPU: Shipping Address for Ship method selection with saved store
  • Display selected or saved store details such as name, address and phone number.
7.6 ISPU: Billing Address w/ Payment method
  • Displays store details such as name, address, and phone number.
  • Allows shoppers to edit store selection, if required.
7.7 ISPU: Place Order (Order Review) page
  • Displays store details such as name, address, and phone number.
  • Allows shoppers to edit store selection, if required.
7.8 ISPU: Order Receipt (Order Confirmation) page
  • Displays ship method as “Store Pick-up” with store details such as name, address, and phone number.
7.9 Order History page
  • Displays store pick up details
7.10 ISPU: Order Detail page
  • Displays ship method as “Store Pick-up” with store details such as name, address, and phone number.
ID Feature
8.1 Mini-Cart
  • Displays compact product details for item(s) added to cart.
  • Supports quick edit for item quantity.
  • Displays button to Proceed to Checkout and Apple Pay, if applicable.
Note: Mini-cart does not display on mobile devices.
8.2 Cart: Empty cart page
  • Display empty Shopping Cart page when a shopper navigates to the cart page without any products added to cart.
8.3 Cart: Product List and Order Summary
  • Display product attributes for items added to cart.
  • Display quick order summary details - order subtotal, tax, shipping costs and estimated total.
  • Supports Quickview functionality on desktop devices for edits to products in cart.
  • Add to wishlist.
8.4 Cart: Coupon and Promotion Messaging
  • Display promotion messaging if the Cart qualifies for a product-level discount.
  • Display list price with a strikethrough with the promotion price shown underneath.
  • Allow shoppers to enter coupon/promotion codes for redemption.
  • Update cart page with updated pricing based on applied promotion
  • Display error message if coupon/promotion code is expired/invalid
8.4.1 Cart: Choice of Bonus product (Promotion)
  • Allow for selection of bonus product, if a shopper is eligible for a choice of bonus product promotion.
  • Select Bonus Product opens the the choice of bonus product window, and display selected bonus product in cart.
  • Bonus product is removed if the qualifying product is removed from cart.
8.5 Einstein Product Recommendations
  • Support to display Einstein powered product recommendations on cart page for cross-sells and upsells.
ID Feature
9.1 Checkout - Login
  • Option to complete checkout as a guest or as a registered user.
9.2 Registered Checkout: support checkout for registered customers
  • Use saved addresses from address book for billing & shipping
  • Select shipping method
  • Use saved payment tender info from wallet for payment option
  • Complete order purchase, and save order details to My Account - Order History
9.3 Guest Checkout: support guest checkout for shoppers
  • Enter shipping and billing address information
  • Select shipping method
  • Enter payment information
  • Complete order purchase
  • Create (new) account from order receipt page and save order details to My Account - Order History
9.4 Update or Add New Shipping Address
  • Edit the shipping address information.
  • Add new shipping address.
9.5 Update or Add New Billing Address
  • Edit the billing address information.
  • Add new billing address.
9.6 Add Payment Method
  • Add payment tender information
  • Fields will dynamically update based on credit card type
Note: Payment Methods like PayPal, 3rd party Gift Cards/Certificates can be added via customization.
Note: Commerce Cloud eGift Certificates can be supported in SFRA via customization.
9.7 Multi-Ship Checkout
  • For multiple items in the cart, option to ship the products to multiple addresses.
  • Select Ship Method for each Shipping Address/Group.
Note: SFRA supports multi-ship checkout in the templates. Customers can choose to not enable multi-ship checkout.
ID Feature
10.1 My Account - Login
  • Supports login with email address and password for registered users.
  • Supports new account creation with email address and password.
10.1.1 My Account - Forgot Password
  • Ability to reset account password by entering account email address
10.2 My Account - Dashboard
  • Displays shopper’s profile information with address book and order history, if available.
10.3 My Account - Edit Profile
  • Edit account profile information including name, email, phone, and password.
  • Display error message when email/password and confirm email/confirm password fields do not match.
  • Additional profile information can be captured to be attached to the account via customization
10.4 My Account - Address Book
  • Ability to enter addresses to address book.
  • View addresses in address book and edit, if necessary.
10.5 My Account - Payment Method
  • View existing payment method
  • Add new payment method
  • Remove existing payment method (*editing existing payment method is not supported).
10.6 My Account - Order History
  • Displays list of orders attached to the account
  • Ability to select individual orders to view additional order details
10.7 Check Order Status
  • Look up order status for guest users with order number, email address, and billing zip code/postal code.
10.8 Social Login (Facebook, Google)
  • Supports login via Facebook and/or Google via 3rd party integration
ID Feature
11.1.1 Wishlist
  • Ability to add item(s) to wishlist for registered users from PDP and Cart page.
  • View wishlist item(s) from Wishlist landing page.
  • Ability to remove item(s) from wishlist.
  • Update quantity for item(s) in wishlist.
  • Make wishlist private or public (default is private).
  • Ability to hide/unhide item(s) from public view.
  • Share wishlist via email or other social channels (3rd party integration required for social share).
  • Install the plugin_wishlists cartridge
11.1.2 Wishlist - Search
  • Ability to search for public wishlist(s) by entering first name, last name, and email address.
  • Display wishlist search results based on information entered based on public view settings.
11.2.1 Gift Registry - Event
  • Create registry with attributes - primary registrant & role, (using registered account user - first name, last name, email), event date, event name, city, state, and country.
  • Add co-registrant information - role, first name, last name, and email.
  • Enter shipping address for pre-event and post-event.
  • Make gift registry private or public (default is private).
  • Ability for registered users to have more than one gift registry.
  • Install the plugin_giftregistry cartridge.
  • Configure the footer content asset with a link to the controller route GiftRegistry-Landing.
11.2.2 Gift Registry - Items
  • Ability to add item(s) to registry for registered users from PDP and Cart page.
  • View registry item(s) from registry landing page.
  • Ability to remove item(s) from registry.
  • Update quantity for item(s) in registry.
  • Ability to hide/unhide item(s) from public view.
11.2.3 Gift Registry - Search
  • Ability to search for public registry by entering first name, last name (required) with event details and email address as optional.
  • Display registry search results based on information entered based on public view settings.
11.2.4 Gift Registry - Management
  • Ability for registered users to have more than one gift registry.
  • Ability to remove/delete registry(ies).
ID Feature
12.1 GDPR
  • Support for GDPR guidelines for consent tracking, data deletion, data portability, and restriction of processing.
  • Support for shopper to provide or restrict consent tracking.
  • Support for shopper to download their own data (registered users only).
12.2 Apple Pay
  • Support for Apple Pay feature to be displayed on PDP, Mini-Cart, Cart page, and Checkout - Payment page.
  • Install the plugin_applepay cartridge.
Note: Requires 3rd party configuration and implementation.
Note: Works on iOS & MacOS devices w/ Safari browser only.
12.3 Ratings & Reviews
  • Support to display rating and reviews attached to products.
  • Install the plugin_ratings and plugins_reviews cartridge.
Note: Requires 3rd party configuration and implementation.
12.4 Loyalty
  • Support to display customer loyalty information (for registered users only).
  • Install the plugin_loyalty cartridge.
Note: Requires 3rd party configuration and implementation
Cross Cloud Connectors
SFRA supports cross cloud connectors for Commerce & Marketing and Commerce & Service.
Page Designer page layouts and components
Enable easier adoption of Page Designer through SFRA delivered Page Designer page layouts and components

Components available:

  • Header
  • Main Banner / Hero Image
  • Shop Category
  • Catalog carousel
  • Campaign banner
  • Product Tile
  • Product Carousel - Einstein
  • Look Book / Sets
  • Photo tile
  • Static Content w/ Shop Link
  • Content Mix blocks
ID Feature
General (500) Error
Display error page for when server-side error occurs, but the server could not be more specific on what the exact problem is.
Missing Page (404) Error
Display error page for when client side error occurs when the webpage the shopper is trying to reach could not be found on the server
Client Side Validation Error
Error message(s) displayed when shoppers does not provide required information or enters invalid data in form fields.
Server Side Validation Error
Error message(s) displayed when shoppers submits a form but the data is invalid or does not match constraints.
Coupon Code Error
Display appropriate error messaging for coupon code errors (expired or invalid).
Login Error
Display appropriate error messaging for login errors on My account or Checkout page.
13.7 Credit Card Error
  • Display error when shopper attempts to submit a form without completing the required fields.
  • Display error when shopper attempts to submit an invalid credit card number.
  • Display error when shopper attempts to submit an expired credit card number.
Order Tracking Error
Display error when shopper attempts to submit an invalid order number and/or billing postal code that does not match order records.
ID Feature
14.1 Store Locator
  • Support store locator functionality
  • Display list of stores based on zip code, or city, state and selected radius
  • Display store attributes as maintained in Business Manager
Note: In order to use the Google Maps functionality, the Google Maps API Key must be configured in the Site Preference google map api key.
Display navigation breadcrumbs based on clickpath or pre-set paths.
14.3 Localization
14.4 Contact Us Form
14.5 XML Sitemap for SEO
14.6 Meta Tags and Alt Image Tags for SEO
14.7 Robots.txt
14.8 Rate Limiting (Platform feature)
14.9 Adjust Bootstrap Configuration to Our Design