Explore Trailhead and Sample Code

We’ve created Trailhead content and GitHub repositories to jump-start your Lightning Web Components development.

A collection of easy-to-digest code examples for Lightning Web Components. Each recipe demonstrates how to code a specific task in the fewest lines of code possible, while following best practices. A View Source link takes you right to the code in GitHub.

The recipes cover all the basics: composition, state management, events, data access, and navigation. The Lightning Web Components Developer Guide references many recipes from this repo.

To get started, clone the repo and follow the steps in the README.

Get hands-on experience creating Lightning web components on the Build Lightning Web Components trail.

Troubleshoot Lightning Web Components and learn about best practices on the Troubleshoot Lightning Web Components trail.

The E-Bikes sample application demonstrates how to build applications with Lightning Web Components and integrate with Salesforce Experiences. E-Bikes is a fictitious electric bicycle manufacturer. The application helps E-Bikes manage their products and reseller orders using a rich user experience.

Install the E-Bikes sample application.