Configure Components for Custom Tabs

To use a Lightning web component as a custom tab in Lightning Experience or in the Salesforce mobile app, add the tab target in the component’s configuration file.

The componentName.js-meta.xml file defines the metadata values for the component, including the setting to allow usage in a custom tab. Add the lightning__Tab target to the component’s configuration file.

The lightning__Tab target doesn't support the property and supportedFormFactor tags.

After you configure the tab target, add your Lightning web component as a custom tab in Lightning Experience or the Salesforce mobile app. When the component is available as a custom tab in your app, you can navigate to the tab using the standard__navItemPage page reference type.

The apiName of the custom tab corresponds to the tab name. If you enter the tab label "My Custom Tab" when creating your custom tab, the tab name is "My_Custom_Tab".

See Also