Requirements for Ingestion API Schema File

Use the Ingestion API Schema File requirements to successfully build a file to bring data into Data Cloud.

To create an ingestion API source in Data Cloud, the schema file you upload must meet specific requirements.

  • Uploaded schemas have to be in valid OpenAPI format with a .yml or .yaml extension. OpenAPI version 3.0.x is supported

  • Objects can’t have nested objects.

  • Each schema must have at least 1 object. Each object must have at least 1 field.

  • Objects can’t have more than 1000 fields.

  • Objects can’t be longer than 80 chars.

  • Object names must contain only a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, -. No unicode characters.

  • Field names must contain only a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, -. No unicode characters.

  • Field names can’t be any of these reserved words: date_id, location_id, dat_account_currency, dat_exchange_rate, pacing_period, pacing_end_date, row_count, version. Field names can’t contain string __.

  • Field names can’t exceed 80 characters.

  • Fields meet the type and format requirements:

    • For boolean type

    • For date type

    • For datetime type

      Once the data is ingested, the date and time values are adjusted as per the time zone configured in your org.

    • For email type

    • For number type

    • For phone type

    • For percent type

    • For text type

    • For URL type

  • Object names can’t be duplicated, case insensitive.

  • Objects can’t have duplicate field names, case insensitive.

  • Date data type fields in your payloads must be valid calendar dates conforming to ISO 8601 format yyyy-MM-dd.

  • DateTime data type fields in your payloads must be in ISO 8601 UTC Zulu with format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm.SSS'Z'.

When updating your schema, be aware:

  • Existing field data types can’t be changed.
  • Upon updating an object, all of the existing fields for that object must be present.
  • Your updated schema file only includes changed objects, so you don’t have to provide a comprehensive list of objects each time.
  • A datetime field must be present for objects that are intended forengagementcategory. Objects of category profile or other don’t impose this same requirement.

Ingestion API schemas have set requirements. Review the schema requirements before ingestion.

Schema example: