Rate Limits for Models API

This feature is a Beta Service. Customer may opt to try such Beta Service in its sole discretion. Any use of the Beta Service is subject to the applicable Beta Services Terms provided at Agreements and Terms.

The Models API has a single rate limit for all requests except for requests made via Apex methods in sandbox, demo, and trial orgs. When calling the Models API through Apex in a sandbox, demo, or trial org there are different limits. This document covers the rate limits for REST endpoints and Apex methods, sandbox orgs, and demo and trial orgs.

The following limit applies to all Apex and REST requests in regular production orgs.

The Models API is limited to 70 requests per minute per org for each REST endpoint (or equivalent Apex method).

If a rate limit is exceeded, the Models API returns a response with a 429 status and an error object.

To request a rate limit increase, reach out to your Salesforce account executive.

The Apex methods of the Models API are also subject to the Apex Callout Limits and Limitations.

All Models API requests are subject to Salesforce’s usage and billing rates. See Einstein Usage.

The following limits only apply to requests made through Apex methods in sandbox, demo, and trial orgs. Sandbox, demo, and trial orgs using the Models REST API are subject to the above limit of 70 requests per minute per endpoint per org.

Sandbox Orgs

The rate limit value for Apex methods in sandbox orgs is 200 requests per hour per org.

Demo and Trial Orgs

The rate limit value for Apex methods in demo and trial orgs is 150 requests per hour per org.