CpqAppHandlerHook Troubleshooting Guide

Use this guide to troubleshoot the CpqAppHandlerHook if it isn't working properly.

Is the product not displaying the correct price in the cart based on the BillingZipCodeAttributePricingMatrix? Use the troubleshooting headings below to assist in your evaluation.

For BillingZipCodeAttributePricingMatrix:

  • Verify all matrix headers are spelled correctly

  • Verify all input/output data in the matrix has proper spacing, punctuation and correct spelling

  • Verify the matrix is enabled and has the highest priority

For BillingZipCodeAttributePricingProcedure:

  • Verify all variables has proper spacing, punctuation and correct spelling

  • Verify the calculation steps

  • Matrix lookup is pointing to the BillingZipCodeAttributePricingMatrix

  • Matrix calculations are pointing to the MRC/NRC BillingZipCodeAttributePricingMatrix outputs

  • Include in Calculation Output is checked

  • Procedure is enabled

  • Verify if the procedure is working using the Simulate button on the Vlocity Procedure page

For the custom billing zip code pricing plan step:

  • Verify all data input is spelled correctly and has proper spacing

  • Step is active

Is the Billing Zip Code column not displaying in the cart? Use the troubleshooting headings below to assist in your evaluation.

For the billing zip code field setting:

  • API names are spelled correctly with proper punctuation

  • Correct CPQ API is linked

For the Card template:

  • Fields Input Map includes the Billing Zip Code custom field and is preceded with a comma

  • Correct custom view State is selected on the card

  • Loyalty Pricing enabled? Use the CustomView_CPQAdvancedPricingLoyalty state

  • Loyalty Pricing not enabled? Use the CustomView_CPQAdvancedPricing state

  • Layout and card are both activated

  • Verified all the above and the column still isn’t displaying, clear your browser cacheEnd Bookmark for Task Overview TOC.

  • Start Bookmark for Task Overview TOC