Add a Promotion to a Basket
There are two ways in your order capture journey that you can apply/add a promotion when you create or update your cart:
Choose a promotion using getOffers and add it to the basket. The product to which the promotion applies is added to the basket by default. The promotion is applied to the product.
Add a product and then apply a promotion to it.
For a promotion with these configurations, promotion applies to all products in the bundle, not just the root product.
- PromotionItem: RootProduct
- Scope: Update Item Only
Adding a promotion to a basket is a two-step process if Multi Transaction Service (MTS). To enable MTS, see CPQ Configuration Settings Reference.
For example:
Step 1: Create the order Item and apply the promotion:
Step 2: In the response of Step1, under the validateAndPriceAction
node in the JSON response, a REST parameter named transactionKey
is present. Add that transaction key in the request body to make the request for Step 2.
Create the order Item and apply a promotion:
During the second step, the engine applies validation and pricing to the basket and returns an updated cartContextKey.