Alternative method: login-based authorization

This method requires specific permissions for the user validating the connected app. It may fail in some cases where the permissions are restrictive, thus we recommend the preferred method above.

  1. From the Connected Application in the section "API (Enable OAuth Settings)", retrieve the “Consumer Key” and “Callback URL”

    • YOUR_CLIENT_ID : Consumer Key

    • YOUR REDIRECT_URL : Callback URL

  2. Depending on where to use the connected app, build a URL based on one of the following:

    • If the connected app is in the Sandbox/Test salesforce domain:

    • If using the standard salesforce domain:

      DCG Connected App Setup - Login based authorization

      After the URL is built, open it in your browser. The link redirects to the Salesforce login page. Log in using the Salesforce username and password which will authorize the access.