Digital Commerce Lightning Web Component Artifacts
You can use the Digital Commerce Lightning Web Components as a guide to creating your own digital commerce application. The artifacts include a Digital Commerce Guided Process that allows users to browse, configure, and add offers to a basket, and then begin a checkout process.
Both the explore and checkout processes are built using Digital Commerce Lightning Web Components (LWC), which allow customers to browse and configure products as well as convert their baskets to a Salesforce Order by providing the ability to log in to CRM as an identified user (Account), optionally call a payment gateway system, and submit their order. Customer Service Agents can see the items in a customer's cart based on the order ID.
The information on this page describes how to download and install the Digital Commerce Lightning Web Component artifacts.
The dcCheckoutPayment component in the sample app contains a link to the Braintree payment service provider. The link is for demonstration purposes only; you must replace the link with your own Braintree link or other payment gateway.
Depending on your requirements, you can download the modules best suited to your particular needs. The following sections describe the choices.
If you need the Digital Commerce Lightning Web Components only (without OmniScript support), follow this link:
Explore and Checkout Using Digital Commerce LWC
Installation guide, which provides instructions for deploying each of the artifacts and how to download and use the NDS file.
A zip file containing HTML and meta.xml files of corresponding DC LWC's in the managed package.
A datapack file containing the VIP for the checkout process
A DX file containing data to be imported into your org to run the sample DC LWC Application.
If you need the Digital Commerce Lightning Web Components with OmniScript support, follow this link:
Explore and Checkout Using Digital Commerce LWC OmniScript
Installation guide, which provides instructions for deploying each of the artifacts and how to download and use the NDS file.
A zip file containing HTML and meta.xml files of corresponding DC LWC's in the managed package.
A datapack file containing sample Omniscript that embeds DC LWC to implement the purchase flow.
A DX file containing data to be imported into your org to run Sample the OmniScript that embeds DC LWC to implement the purchase flow.
If you need the Digital Commerce Lightning Web Components with OmniScript support, follow this link:
Explore and Checkout for Off-Platform Use
Installation guide, which provides instructions for how to deploy each of the artifacts, how to download and use NDS, instructions for how to download DC WC and DC SDK using NPM (without a password).
A zip file containing the reference application that showcases how DC WC can be customized.
A datapack file containing the VIP for the checkout process.
A DX file containing data to be imported into your org to run the sample DC WC application.