EPC API Response Format
The EPC REST API uses the DomainResponse class to represent the output for REST calls.
The API responses permit a structured interaction between the requesting entities and back-end operations and are composed of objects wrapped in a result epcResponse object. The wrapper object is represented by the following properties or elements:
overallResult: Specifies the overall result of the API call.
failureReason: If the API call fails, this element describes the reason for the failure.
warningMessage: If the API call is successful but encounters errors, this field lists the errors.
entities: Lists the objects specified in the API call
supplimentaryEntity: Lists any additional objects or information related to the objects specified in the API call.
hierarchy: If applicable, displays the children of objects specified by the API call.
children: If the hierarchy is displayed, lists the children of the objects specified by the API call.
pageInfo: Specifies various properties related to pagination such as:
currentPage: Specifies the current page.
pageSize: Specifies the number of items on the page.
totalCount: Specifies the total number of records.
totalPages: Specifies the total pages. The total number of pages is the totalCount divided by pageSize.
numberOfProduct: Lists the number of products returned.