Regenerate Catalog-Level Cache Data
These batch jobs populate the catalog-level data in the cache. In the cached API change table, the system queries any unprocessed change object of code type as catalog present or not. For the unprocessed catalog change entries, the catalog level batch jobs dataProfile, eligibility, and getOffers run.
With versioning enabled, additional catalog version information included, and derivations that include timeSlice as the affected entity, the batch job gets the catalog grouped by the affected time slices that were populated during the Derive Entity batch job. For those time slices, the effective time slice date of the first time slice and the effective time slice end date of the last time slice for that catalog become the boundary effectivity time. For example, the boundary effectivity time can consist of the cache effective start and end times for which the version info generator batch job ran and created new time slices, versionInfo, and time slice info cache data. The subsequent batch jobs, dataProfile, eligibility, and getOffers, use the same cache effective start and end times as its boundary. Those batch jobs also use the new time slice information generated by the version info generator as the time slices on which to operate and cache the corresponding data.