Running SDK Server in a Heroku Environment

You can deploy and host this ServerSDK application in any node-supported server.

  1. Log in to your Heroku account.

  2. Click the New button and select Create a new App from Dashboard.

  3. Enter an app name and click the Create app button.

  4. Navigate to the Deploy tab. Follow the steps to install the Heroku CLI, create a new Git repository, and deploy your application.

    Server SDK Installation - Deploy

    After following the previous step, a folder is created containing the Heroku cloned/setup. You now must copy the ServerSDK into the Heroku cloned/setup folder. Copy all of the files located in vop_server_sdk/secure-server-reference-app. There is no need to copy the dist and node_modules folders.

  5. Paste the following into the Procfile file:

    The code runs the ServerSDK in Heroku after a code push.

  6. Open the Heroku cloned/setup folder in a terminal, commit and push the files to Heroku using the following commands:

  7. After you push the code, Heroku automatically detects it as a Node.JS app. Your log should look similar to the following after you push:

Note that the base API URL is logged at the end. Once you pushed and deployed successfully, the base URL becomes: You can also find the name in the Heroku Dashboard > Settings > Domains.

To verify whether the Heroku setup is working, open a browser and navigate to The default currency details are displayed.