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Running ServerSDK on a local computer (optional)

If desired, follow the steps in this section to run the ServerSDK on a local computer.

  1. Using a command line terminal, open the root directory: vop_server_sdk/secure-server-reference-app).

  2. Run $ npm install to install all dependencies.

  3. Run the following commands:

    1. $ npm run build - This command will take few seconds to compile and build the typescript files. Once successful, the /dist folder is created in the root directory.

    2. Run $ npm start to start the server.

      By default, the server will start listening to port 3000. The base API URL will be: http://localhost:3000/v1/serversdk

    To test whether the API is working, navigate to http://localhost:3000/v1/serversdk/getcurrencydetail in a browser. The default currency details are displayed, as shown here:

    Server SDK Installation - API test

    Ensure that you comment out the lines in vop_server_sdk/secure-server-reference-app/app.ts . These settings are required only when you host using a third-party server such as Heroku.

    Server SDK Installation - SDK comment