Unit of Work (UOW) Support for Cart APIs

The Unit of Work (UOW) is a design pattern that reduces repetitive code when implementing transaction management and the coding overheads of adhering to DML bulkification.

The UOWMode = true setting in CPQ configuration enables UOW performance enhancements that save data manipulation language (DML) and Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) statements when making Cart-Based API calls.

If UOWMode is set to false, these performance enhancements aren’t enabled. Starting with CME Summer '22, UOWMode = false is discontinued and not supported. See CPQ Configuration Settings Reference.

Here’s the list of Cart APIs that support UOW mode:

  • postCartsItems
  • putCartsItems
  • deleteCartsItems
  • getCartsItems
  • postCartsPromoItems
  • getExpandedItems
  • replaceOffers
  • deleteAppliedPromoItems
  • cloneItems
  • runCartValidation
  • compareOffers
  • getCartsItemsById
  • getAllAssets

CART APIs with UOW support must be chained only with UOW-supported APIs. A problem occurs if you string a UOW-supported API with a non-supported UOW API in the same Salesforce execution context.