Catalog Resource Mappings

Before using the TMF620 catalog resource mappings, refer the following.

  • The ids and names sent in the subResource (category / relatedParty) must be present in the system to create a new relationship.
  • The names of the catalogs are unique when patching. Ensure that name field remains unique in the PATCH request.
  • Creation of href in the response body is not supported.
  • Catalog code field is populated with same value as catalog name by replacing all the spaces present in the catalog name.
  • There is only one entity in the RelatedParty array.
  • Fields name, id and role are used to find the matching related party.
  • If there exists a Catalog in database with catalog code matching the name attribute (after replacing the spaces from name) or if there exists a Catalog in database with Catalog code matching the value coming in CatalogCode__c mapping, then these will result in failure of POST API as these catalogs are already present in the database.
  • Assigning of default PriceList to a catalog is implemented through a separate Data Mapper (VPL-TMForumGetDefaultPriceList). This DR is invoked when the TMFTMForumCreateCatalog VIP is invoked. Implementation teams can change the functionality of the DR to assign a different PriceList value.
  • The CreateCatalog POST API can also handle creation of multiple catalogs when invoked from the category resource.
  • The @type attribute from the request is used to differentiate between catalog request and category request. Absence of this attribute in the request will result in failure of the POST API.
TMF FieldTypeDescription
Salesforce MappingSalesforce Description
Is mandatory?Prerequisite
hrefstringSpecifies a unique reference of the catalog.TMF Catalog URL + vlocity_cmt__Catalog__c.IdSpecifies the GET URL of the TMF catalog that ends with the ID field.NoNA
idstringSpecifies a unique identifier of the catalog.vlocity_cmt__GlobalKey__cUnique identifier of the catalog.NoNA
descriptionstringDescribes the catalog.vlocity_cmt__Description__cDescribes the catalog.NoNA
lifecycleStatusstringSpecifies the current lifecycle status.vlocity_cmt__IsActive__cSpecifies if the catalog is active. Values for lifecycleStatus are Active and Inactive.NoNA
namestringRequired. Specifies the name of the catalog.NameSpecifies the name of the catalog.YesThe catalog name must be unique in the Salesforce org.
validFor - startDateTime/endDateTimeobjectSpecifies the period for which the catalog is valid.vlocity_cmt__StartDateTime__c/vlocity_cmt__EndDateTime__cSpecifies the validity of the catalog.NoNA
relatedPartyarrayDefines a party or party role that's linked to a specific entity.vlocity_cmt__VendorAccount__cSpecifies the field that's derived from the vendor column of the catalog object.NoUse an existing account.
@typestringDefines the subclass extensible name when subclassing.Resource name (Catalog)The @type attribute differentiates between the catalog and category request and doesn't have a direct mapping in Salesforce.YesNA
isRootbooleanIf true, this indicates that the catalog is a root of catalog.vlocity_cmt__IsCatalogRoot__cSpecifies if the parent catalog is root catalog or child catalog.NoNA
TMF FieldTypeDescription
Salesforce MappingSalesforce Description
Is mandatory?Prerequisite
namestringSpecifies the name of the related party.NameSpecifies the name of the account.NoNA
hrefstringSpecifies the hyperlink reference of the related party.TMF Account URL + Account.IdSpecifies the GET URL of the TMF catalog that ends with the ID field.NoNA
idstringSpecifies the unique identifier of the related party.Account.AccountNumberSpecifies the external ID for the specified account.YesUse an existing account.
rolestringSpecifies the role played by the related party.Account.RecordType.NameSpecifies the record type of the account.NoUse an existing account.
@referredTypestringSpecifies the actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation.Schema object name (Account)Specifies that the sObject type is Account.NoNA
@typestringDefines the subclass extensible name when subclassing.JSON representation type (RelatedParty)Specifies the vendor account.NoNA
TMF FieldTypeDescription
Salesforce MappingSalesforce Description
Is mandatory?Prerequisite
namestringSpecifies the name of the Category.NameSpecifies the name of the account.NoNA
hrefstringSpecifies the hyperlink reference of the category.TMF Category URL + vlocity_cmt__Catalog__c.IDSpecifies the GET URL of the TMF catalog that ends with the ID field.NoNA
idstringSpecifies the unique identifier of the category.vlocity_cmt__Catalog__c.vlocity_cmt__GlobalKey__cSpecifies the external ID for the specified account.YesNA
@referredTypestringSpecifies the actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation.vlocity_cmt__Catalog__cSpecifies that the sObject type is Account.NoNA
@typestringDefines the subclass extensible name when subclassing.JSON representation type (CategoryRef)Specifies the category reference.NoNA