Category Use Cases
I want to | Request Type | Example URL |
Retrieve and display details of a requested category. | GET by ID | {https NOTE: For invalid category ID, you will receive HTTP 404 error. |
Based on the provided field values, retrieve and display details of a particular category ID. | GET by ID and Fields | {https |
List all the categories present in the system. | GET List | {https |
List all the categories present in the system based on the provided field values. | GET List with Fields | {https |
List all the categories present in the inventory based on the provided field values and filter applied. | GET List by Fields and Filtering | {https |
Limit the number of categories to a maximum of specified limit and display results from the page specified by an offset. | GET List by limit and offset | {https |
Create a category. | POST | {https |
Update a category. | PATCH | {https |
Delete a category. | DELETE | {https |
Consider you want to retrieve details of a category from the inventory. For example, category ID = 432b3763-2233-65cd-8ba3-a67a035aab74.
Consider you want to retrieve details of the category ID = 7cc8a363-51ab-2413-7214-6bf24f90e856 and get the name
and id
details in the output.,id
Consider you want to retrieve details of all the categories in the inventory.
Consider you want to retrieve all the catalogs by applying the requested fields. Add On
Consider you want to retrieve all the categories by specified filter.,lastUpdate
Consider you want to retrieve perform the following.
- Limit the number of categories to a maximum of specified limit
- Display results from the page specified by an offset,name&limit=3&offset=2
Consider you want to create a new category.
Consider for the category ID: 432b3763-2233-65cd-8ba3-a67a035aab74, you want to update sub-resources: subCategory
/ productOffering
Consider you want to delete a category ID: 3830.