
Following metadata needs to be updated with named credentials name if the OOB integration named credential is not used for the authentication and end point details.

Default valueUpdate values to following respectively
TMForum620OutboundCredentialsThis is the named credientials metadata which stores the Named creds of the Mule endpoint.TMF620Outbound_2223_CommsUpdate with the namedCredentials name which got created when deploying Mule
Ex : tmf_620_aswin_tmf620_product_catalog_outbound_api_Communications
TMForum620OutboundTargetSystemsThis is a comma separated string used to fetch the target system names a product to be published toARIAExternal system name
Ex: Aria
TMForumProdOffer620OutboundExtensionThis is the metadata used to fetch the entension URL for product offering.api/offer/publishProductThe value needs to be updated with the extension URL for product Offering resource
Ex: api/publishProductOffer
TMForumProdSpec620OutboundExtensionThis is the metadata used to fetch the URL endpoint for Product Specification.api/spec/publishProductThe value needs to be updated with the extension URL for product Specification resource
Ex: api/publishProductSpecification