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Product Offering Price Use Cases

I want to
Request Type
Example URL
Retrieve and display details of a requested product offering price.GET by ID{}/services/apexrest/{namespace}/tmforum/productopenapi/v1/productOfferingPrice/{ID}

For invalid category ID, you will receive HTTP 404 error.
Based on the provided field values, retrieve and display details of a particular product offering ID.GET by ID and Fields{}/services/apexrest/{namespace}/tmforum/productopenapi/v1/productOfferingPrice/{ID}?fields=id,name,lifecycleStatus
List all the product offering prices present in the system.GET List{}/services/apexrest/{namespace}/tmforum/productopenapi/v1/productOfferingPrice
List all the product offering prices present in the system
based on the provided field values.
GET List with Fields{}/services/apexrest/{namespace}/tmforum/productopenapi/v1/productOfferingPrice?fields=id,name,lifecycleStatus
List all the product offering prices present in the inventory based on the provided field values and filter applied.GET List by Fields and Filtering{}/services/apexrest/{namespace}/tmforum/productopenapi/v1/productOfferingPrice?lifecycleStatus=false&fields=id,lifecycleStatus
Limit the number of product offering prices to a maximum of specified limit and
display results from the page specified by an offset.
GET List by limit and offset{}/services/apexrest/{namespace}/tmforum/productopenapi/v1/productOfferingPrice?offset=1&limit=2
Create a product offering price.POST{}/services/apexrest/{namespace}/tmforum/productopenapi/v1/productOfferingPrice
Update a product offering price.PATCH{}/services/apexrest/{namespace}/tmforum/productopenapi/v1/productOfferingPrice/{ID}
Delete a product offering price.DELETE{}/services/apexrest/{namespace}/tmforum/productopenapi/v1/productOfferingPrice/{ID}

Consider you want to retrieve details of a product offering price from the inventory. For example, product offering price ID = ab5f8d7a-b852-cce1-fe27-9b2ea7742f6c.{namespace}/tmforum/productopenapi/v1/productOfferingPrice/ab5f8d7a-b852-cce1-fe27-9b2ea7742f6c

Consider for the product offering price ID = 6c059da5-6be5-6a8b-08f9-422beec29e55, you want to retrieve details of the id, name and lifecycleStatus details in the output.{namespace}/tmforum/productopenapi/v1/productOfferingPrice/6c059da5-6be5-6a8b-08f9-422beec29e55?fields=id,name,lifecycleStatus

Consider you want to retrieve details of all the product offering prices in the inventory.{namespace}/tmforum/productopenapi/v1/productOfferingPrice

Consider you want to retrieve all the product offering prices by applying the requested fields.{namespace}/tmforum/productopenapi/v1/productOfferingPrice?fields=id,name,lifecycleStatus

Consider you want to retrieve all the product offering prices by a specified filter.{namespace}/tmforum/productopenapi/v1/productOfferingPrice?lifecycleStatus=false&fields=id,lifecycleStatus

Consider you want to retrieve perform the following.

  • Limit the number of product offering prices to a maximum of specified limit
  • Display results from the page specified by an offset{namespace}/tmforum/productopenapi/v1/productOfferingPrice?offset=1&limit=2

Consider you want to create a new product offering price.

Consider for the product offering price ID = 4a5dbea2-6c43-4a63-8b8a-cde4b5085c57 you want to update first level attributes and sub-resources.{namespace}/tmforum/productopenapi/v1/productOfferingPrice/4a5dbea2-6c43-4a63-8b8a-cde4b5085c57

Consider you want to delete a product offering price ID: 3830.