Product Specification Resource Mappings

Before using the TMF620 product specification resource mappings, refer the following.

  • While creating product specification, the record type is always product and not class.
  • While creating product specification, the status is always active and isActive is true.
  • While creating product specification, the life cycle status is always Draft.
  • While creating bundle product specification relationships the incoming parent product specifications already exist in the EPC. If the parent product does not exist in the Salesforce CRM database then it results in failure.
  • While creating product specification relationships the incoming relationship types are expected to be configured in EPC in advance.
  • While creating product specification relationships the incoming related product specifications already exist in the EPC. If the related product(s) not exist in the Salesforce CRM database then it results in failure.
  • The GlobalKey__c is used as the ID for the product specification resource and the sub-resource.
  • Custom metadata with label TMForumProductSpecificationUseChildForBu, decides the behaviour of BundledProductSpecification node. Default value is false, which means parent product specification to which the given product specification belongs to will be treated as the bundleProductSpecification. IP / DR will have mappings to reflect the parent product specification. Changing the value to false replaces the parent with the child product specification.
  • Manually you have to change the mappings for the BundledProductSpeicification node. This change will have impact on all the APIs such as GET, POST, and PATCH.
  • EPC product validation rules are applicable for both POST and PATCH.
  • BundledProductSpecification - Incoming id and name of this node can only be matched with global key and name of the product. This is cannot be customized to change the matching criteria or to add additional matching criteria(s).
  • productSpecificationRelationship - Incoming id and name of this node can only be matched with global key and name of the product. This is cannot be customized to change the matching criteria or to add additional matching criteria(s).
TMF FieldTypeDescription
Salesforce MappingSalesforce DescriptionPrerequisiteIs mandatory?
hrefstringSpecifies a unique reference of the catalog.TMF product specification URL + Product2.IdSpecifies the GET URL of the TMF product specification that ends with the ID field.NANo
descriptionstringSpecifies the details of the product specification.Product2.DescriptionDescribes the product.NANo
namestringRequired. Specifies the name of the product specification.Product2.NameSpecifies the name of the product.Name attribute is required in the payload to create productSpecification.Yes
productNumberstringSpecifies the identification number assigned to uniquely identify the specification.Product2.ProductCodeSpecifies the product code.NANo
lifecycleStatusstringSpecifies the current lifecycle status.Product2.IsActive, Product2.vlocity_cmt__Status__cProduct2. IsActive field specifies the active status flag. Product2.Status__c field specifies the status of a product.If lifecycleStatus is set to 'Active' in the payload, vlocity_cmt__IsActive__c is set as true, else false.No
attachmentarraySpecifies a list of attachment references or values (AttachmentRefOrValue [*]). Supplements the description of an element, such as a product, through videos or pictures.vlocity_cmt__VlocityAttachment__cSpecifies the product attachments.NANo
validFor: startDateTimeobjectSpecifies the period for which the catalog is valid.Product2.vlocity_cmt__EffectiveDate__c, Product2.vlocity_cmt__FulfilmentStartDate__c, Product2.vlocity_cmt__SellingStartDate__c, Product2.vlocity_cmt__VersionStartDateTime__cSpecifies the start dates of the validity period.NANo
validFor: endDateTimeobjectSpecifies the period for which the catalog is valid.Product2.vlocity_cmt__EndDate__c, Product2.vlocity_cmt__EndOfLifeDate__c, Product2.vlocity_cmt__SellingEndDate__c, Product2.vlocity_cmt__VersionEndDateTime__cSpecifies the end dates of the validity period.NANo
versionstringSpecifies the product specification version.Product2.vlocity_cmt__VersionLabel__cSpecifies the version number of the product specification.NANo
bundledProductSpecificationarraySpecifies a type of product specification that belongs to a grouping of product specifications made available to the market. A bundled product specification inherits all attributes of a product specification.vlocity_cmt__ProductChildItem__cSpecifies the product child relationship.NANo
targetProductSchemaobjectSpecifies the reference object to the schema and type of a target product, which is described by the product specification.Product2.vlocity_cmt__ObjectTypeId__cSpecifies the object type of a product.NANo
productSpecificationRelationshiparraySpecifies migration, substitution, dependency, or exclusivity relationship between product specifications.vlocity_cmt__ProductRelationship__cSpecifies the product relationships.NANo
isSellablebooleanIndicates whether the product offer can be sold standalone (true) or within a bundle only (false).Product2.vlocity_cmt__IsOrderable__cSpecifies if the product can be ordered or not.NANo
relatedPartyRelated Party referenceA related party defines the party or party role linked to a specific entity.AccountSpecifies the account related to the product specification.The account specified in the payload must exist in the Salesforce org.No
TMF FieldTypeDescriptionSalesforce MappingSalesforce DescriptionPrerequisiteIs mandatory?
@typestringSpecifies the Class type of the target product.vlocity_cmt__ObjectClass__c.NameSpecifies the name of the Object Class.NAYes
TMF FieldTypeDescription
Salesforce MappingSalesforce DescriptionIs mandatory?Prerequisite
namestringSpecifies the name of the related party.Account.NameSpecifies the name of the account.YesNA
hrefstringSpecifies the hyperlink reference of the related party.TMF Account URL + Account.IdSpecifies the GET URL of the TMF catalog that ends with the ID field.NoNA
idstringSpecifies the unique identifier of the related party.Account.AccountNumberSpecifies the external ID for the specified account.YesNA
rolestringSpecifies the role played by the related party.Account.RecordType.NameSpecifies the record type of the account.NoNA
sObjectSpecifies the sObject used for the related party. 'Account' is assigned as the default related party..YesNA
sObjectFieldSpecifies the key field used to get the related party record. 'vlocity_cmt__VendorAccountId__c' is the default value.YesNA
TMF FieldTypeDescriptionSalesforce MappingSalesforce DescriptionIs mandatory?Prerequisite
namestringSpecifies the name of the attachment.vlocity_cmt__VlocityAttachment__c.NameSpecifies the name of the attachment.YesNA
descriptionstringDescribes the content of the attachment.vlocity_cmt__VlocityAttachment__c.vlocity_cmt__Description__cDescribes the attachment.NoNA
hrefstringSpecifies the URI of the attachment.TMF Attachment URL + VlocityAttachment.IdSpecifies the GET URL of the TMF attachment that ends with the ID field.NoNA
idstringSpecifies the unique identifier of the attachment.vlocity_cmt__VlocityAttachment__c.vlocity_cmt__AttachmentId__cSpecifies the ID of the attachment.NoNA
urlstringThe Uniform Resource Locator, which is a web page address and a subset of URI.vlocity_cmt__VlocityAttachment__c.vlocity_cmt__UrlLong__cSpecifies the URL of the attachment.NoNA
attachmentTypestringSpecifies the attachment type, such as a video or a picture.vlocity_cmt__VlocityAttachment__c.vlocity_cmt__ContentType__cSpecifies the content type, such as a picture, a video, or a file.NoNA
TMF FieldTypeDescription
Salesforce MappingSalesforce DescriptionPrerequisiteIs mandatory?
hrefstringSpecifies the hyperlink reference of the product specification.TMF Attachment URL + Product2.IdSpecifies the GET URL of the TMF product specification that ends with the ID field.NANo
idstringSpecifies a unique identifier of the product specification.vlocity_cmt__ProductChildItem__c.vlocity_cmt__ParentProductId__r. vlocity_cmt__GlobalKey__cSpecifies the external ID of the parent product.Product with the specified ID and Name must exist in the system.Yes
namestringSpecifies the name of the product specification.vlocity_cmt__ProductChildItem__c.vlocity_cmt__ParentProductId__r.NameSpecifies the name of the parent product.Product with the specified ID and Name must exist in the system.Yes
lifecycleStatusstringSpecifies the current lifecycle status.vlocity_cmt__ProductChildItem__c.vlocity_cmt__ParentProductId__r.lifecycleStatusSpecifies the current lifecycle status.NANo
FieldTypeDescriptionSalesforce MappingSalesforce DescriptionIs mandatory ?Prerequisite
namestringSpecifies the name of the related entity.vlocity_cmt__ProductRelationship__c.vlocity_cmt__ProductId__r.NameSpecifies the name of the related product.YesNA
idstringSpecifies a unique identifier of the product specification relationship.vlocity_cmt__ProductRelationship__c.vlocity_cmt__ProductId__r. vlocity_cmt__GlobalKey__cSpecifies the external ID of the related product.YesNA
hrefURISpecifies the hyperlink reference of the product specification relationship.TMF Attachment URL + Product2.IdSpecifies the GET URL of the TMF product specification that ends with the ID field.NoNA
relationshipTypestringSpecifies the type of relationship, such as migration, substitution, dependency, or exclusivity.vlocity_cmt__ProductRelationship__c.vlocity_cmt__RelationshipType__cSpecifies the relationship type. The expected values must be configured in Salesforce CRM before invoking the resource.NoNA
TMF FieldTypeDescription
Salesforce MappingSalesforce DescriptionPrerequisiteIs mandatory?
namestringSpecifies a word, term, or phrase by which the characteristic specification is known and distinguished from other characteristic specifications.vlocity_cmt__Attribute__c.Name, vlocity_cmt__AttributeAssignment__c.Name, vlocity_cmt__Picklist__c.NameSpecifies the name of the attribute and attribute assignment.NAYes
descriptionstringDescribes the CharacteristicSpecification object.vlocity_cmt__Attribute__c.vlocity_cmt__Description__cDescribes the attribute.NANo
valueTypestringSpecifies a type of value that the characteristic can accept, such as numeric and text.vlocity_cmt__Attribute__c.vlocity_cmt__ValueDataType__c, vlocity_cmt__Picklist__c.vlocity_cmt__DataType__cSpecifies the external ID of the related product.NAYes
productSpecCharacteristicValue: valuearrayDefines a set of attributes, each of which can be assigned to a corresponding set of attributes in a ProductSpecificationCharacteristic object.vlocity_cmt__Attribute__c.vlocity_cmt__Value__c, vlocity_cmt__PicklistValue__c.NameSpecifies the value of the attribute.NAYes
vlocity_cmt__AttributeCategory__cSpecifies the category of the attribute.The Attribute Category specified in the custom metadata TMForumDefaultAttributeCategory, must be present in the Salesforce org.No