Custom Metadata
Get to know the custom metadata components for TMF620 API resources. Custom Metadata types enable you to create your own setup objects with records as metadata rather than data.
- After an upgrade, ensure the
andDefault Value
field values are updated as per the values in these tables. If any of the values aren't updated automatically, manually update the values as per the corresponding values in the table. - If any customer wants to restrict the OOB values available for the API, then
Default Value
field must be updated with the respective values. Because, the value of theDefault Value
field is takes precedence over theValue
field value. We do not recommend changing the values of these two fields to different values.
For example, if the customer wants to implement only GET and DELETE methods for TMF620 Catalog resource, then theDefault Value
field of the metadata record TMForumCatalogMethods must be changed toGET, DELETE
Metadata Name | Description | Default Value | Available Version | Included in the CME managed package (Yes/No) |
TMForumCategoryVIPName | Invoked by the GET Category API. See Extend Industry API section for modifications. | TMF_TMForumCategory | 57.0 | Yes |
TMForumCreateCategoryVIPName | Invoked by the POST Category API. See Extend Industry API section for modifications. | TMF_TMForumCreateCategory | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumCategoryMethods | Allow or restrict one or more method names (comma-separated) by customer implementations among the out-of-box available methods. | POST, GET, PATCH, DELETE | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumCategoryRequestDR | Data Mapper name that's used to map filtering parameters from TMF fields to Salesforce fields in the GET Category API. | TMFTMForumGetCategoryInputResponse | 57.0 | Yes |
TMForumPatchCategoryVIPName | Invoked by the PATCH Category API. See Extend Industry API section for modifications. | TMF_TMForumPatchCategory | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumDeleteCategoryVIPName | Metadata used to store VIP Name for deleteCategory. Invoked by the DELETE Category API. See Extend Industry API section for modifications. | tmf_TMForumDeleteCategory | 58.0 | Yes |
Metadata Name | Description | Default Value | Available Version | Included in the CME managed package (Yes/No) |
TMForumCatalogVIPName | Invoked by the GET Catalog API. See Extend TMF620 API section for modifications. | TMF_TMForumCatalog | 57.0 | Yes |
TMForumCreateCatalogVIPName | Invoked by the POST Catalog API. See Extend TMF620 API section for modifications. | tmf_TMForumCreateCatalog | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumCatalogMethods | Allow or restrict one or more method names (comma-separated) by customer implementations among the out-of-box available methods. | POST, GET, PATCH, DELETE | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumCatalogRequestDR | DR name that's used to map filtering parameters from TMF fields to Salesforce fields in the GET Catalog API. | TMFTMForumTransformGetCatalogInputResponse | 57.0 | Yes |
TMForumPatchCatalogVIPName | Invoked by the PATCH Catalog API. See Extend Industry API section for modifications. | TMF_TMForumPatchCatalog | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumDeleteCatalogVIPName | Metadata used to store VIP Name for deleteCatalog. Invoked by the DELETE Catelog API. See Extend Industry API section for modifications. | tmf_TMForumDeleteCatalog | 58.0 | Yes |
TMForumPriceList | The value of this metadata record is used as the pricelist for the catalog. Users can override the OOB value. | B2C | 56.0 | Yes |
Metadata Name | Description | Default Value | Available Version | Included in the CME managed package (Yes/No) |
TMForumProductSpecificationVIPName | Invoked by the GET Product Specification API. See Extend TMF620 API section for modifications. | TMF_TMForumProductSpecification | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumCreateProductSpecificationVIPName | Invoked by the POST Product Specification API. See Extend TMF620 API section for modifications. | tmf_TMForumCreateProductSpecification | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumProductSpecificationMethods | Allow or restrict one or more method names (comma-separated) by customer implementations among the out-of-box available methods. | POST, GET, PATCH, DELETE | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumProductSpecificationRequestDR | DR name that's used to map filtering parameters from TMF fields to Salesforce fields in the GET and POST methods of the productSpecification API. | TMFTMForumProductSpecificationRequestTransform | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumProductSpecificationResponseDR | DR name that's used to map filtering parameters from Salesforce fields to TMF fields in the GET and POST methods of the productSpecification API. | TMFTMForumProductSpecificationResponseTransform | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumProductSpecificationFilters | Comma-separated fields that can be used as a filter to get a product specification using the GET productSpecification API. | id, name, productNumber, lifecycleStatus, isBundle, version | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumProductSpecificationUseChildForBu | Indicates whether to consider the incoming bundled product specifications as child product specifications of an incoming product specification (true) or not (false). With a default value as false, the incoming bundled product specifications are set to parent product specifications. The TMForumProductSpecificationUseChildForBu value is consistent for both GET and POST APIs. | false | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumDeleteProductSpecificationVIPName | Metadata used to store VIP Name for Delete Product Specification. Invoked by the DELETE Product Specification API. See Extend TMF620 API section for modifications. | TMF_TMForumDeleteProductSpecification | 58.0 | Yes |
TMForumPatchProductSpecificationVIPName | Invoked by the PATCH Product Specification API. See Extend TMF620 API section for modifications. | tmf_TMForumPatchProductSpecification | 58.0 | Yes |
Metadata Name | Description | Default Value | Available Version | Included in the CME managed package (Yes/No) |
TMForumProductOfferingVIPName | Invoked by the GET Product Offering API. See Extend TMF620 API section for modifications. | tmf_TMForumProductOffering | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumCreateProductOfferingVIPName | Invoked by the POST Product Offering API. See Extend TMF620 API section for modifications. | tmf_TMForumCreateProductOffering | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumProductOfferingFilters | Comma-separated fields that can be used as a filter to get a product offering using the GET productOffering API. | id, name, lifecycleStatus, isBundle, isSellable, version | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumProductOfferingMethods | Allow or restrict one or more method names (comma-separated) by customer implementations among the out-of-box available methods. | POST, GET, PATCH, DELETE | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumProductOfferingRequestDR | DR name that's used to map filtering parameters from TMF fields to Salesforce fields in the GET and POST methods of the productOffering API. | TMFTMForumProductOfferingInput | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumProductOfferingResponseDR | DR name that's used to map filtering parameters from Salesforce fields to TMF fields in the GET and POST methods of the productOffering API. | TMFTMForumProductOfferingResult | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumProductOfferingUseChildForBu | Indicates whether to consider the incoming bundled product offerings as child product offerings of an incoming product offering (true) or not (false). With a default value as false, the incoming bundled product offerings are set to parent product offerings. The TMForumProductOfferingUseChildForBu value is consistent for both GET and POST APIs. | false | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumDeleteProductOfferingVIPName | Metadata used to store VIP Name for DeleteProductOffering. Invoked by the DELETE Product Offering API. See Extend TMF620 API section for modifications. | tmf_TMForumDeleteProductOffering | 58.0 | Yes |
TMForumPatchProductOfferingVIPName | Invoked by the PATCH ProductOffering API. See Extend TMF620 API section for modifications. | TMF_TMForumPatchProductOfferingPrice | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumPriceList | The value of this metadata record is used as the pricelist for the product offering. Users can override the OOB value. | B2C | 56.0 | Yes |
Metadata Name | Description | Default Value | Available Version | Included in the CME managed package (Yes/No) |
TMForumProductOfferingPriceVIPName | Invoked by the GET Product Offering Price API. See Extend TMF620 API section for modifications. | tmf_TMForumProductOfferingPrice | 57.0 | Yes |
TMForumCreateProductOfferingPriceVIPName | Invoked by the POST Product Offering Price API. Allow or restrict one or more method names (comma-separated) by customer implementations among the out-of-box available methods. | TMF_TMForumCreateProductOfferingPrice | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumProductOfferingPriceMethods | Metadata that's used to define the available methods for a product offering price. | POST, GET, PATCH, DELETE | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumProductOfferingPriceRequestDR | DR name that's used to map filtering parameters from TMF fields to Salesforce fields in the GET and POST methods of the productOfferingPrice API. | TMFTMForumGetProductOfferingPriceInput | 57.0 | Yes |
TMForumDeleteProductOfferingPriceVIPName | Metadata used to store VIP Name for deleteProductOfferingPrice. Invoked by the DELETE Product Offering API. See Extend TMF620 API section for modifications. | tmf_TMForumDeleteProductOfferingPrice | 58.0 | Yes |
TMForumPatchProductOfferingPriceVIPName | Invoked by the PATCH Product Offering Price API. See Extend TMF620 API section for modifications. | TMF_TMForumPatchProductOfferingPrice | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumPriceList | The value of this metadata record is used as the pricelist for the product offering price. Users can override the OOB value. | B2C | 56.0 | Yes |
Metadata Name | Description | Default Value | API | Available Version | Included in the CME managed package (Yes/No) |
TMForumEnablePageInfo | Indicates whether to enable the PageInfo and PageSize parameters in the response (true) or not (false). | true | GET and POST methods of all APIs | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumREPageSize | Applies a set limit to query the related entities of a primary entity. | 2000 | GET and POST methods of all APIs | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumPageSize | Applies a set page limit to query the primary entity. | 50 | GET and POST methods of all APIs | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumDefaultAttributeCategory | Reuses or creates the attributes of an incoming payload of product specifications or offerings. The attributes are grouped to the Vlocity attribute category. The TMForumDefaultAttributeCategory metadata value can be replaced depending on the business logic. | TMForum | POST method of productSpecification and productOffering APIs | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumAllFieldstoQuery | Indicates whether to fetch all fields in the queried object (true) or not (false). | false | GET and POST methods of all APIs | 56.0 | Yes |
TMForumExtraProductFieldstoQuery | Specifies the additional fields to use for the product2 sObject. By default, the TMForumExtraProductFieldstoQuery metadata isn’t included in the Salesforce Industries CME managed package. | - | GET method of productSpecification and productOffering APIs | 56.0 | No |