id | String | A unique identifier of the Trouble Ticket. | Case.CaseNumber | Specifies a unique identifier of the case. | No | NA |
href | String | The hyperlink reference of the trouble ticket entity. | TMF Case URL + Case.CaseNumber | Specifies a unique referance of the case. | No | NA |
description | String | Describes the trouble or issue. | Case.Description | Specifies the text area containing the case description. | Yes | NA |
severity | String | The severity of the issue. Indicates the implication of the issue on the expected functionality of a system, application, or service. Severity values are Critical, Major, and Minor. | Case.vlocity_cmt__severity__c | Specifies the custom picklist values specifying the case severity. The values are Critical, Major, Minor. | Yes | The severity value must be availale as a Picklist value in the org. |
ticketType | String | The business type of the trouble ticket such as incident, complain, or request. | Case.Type | Specifies the business type of the case. | Yes | The ticketType value must be availale as a Picklist value in the org. |
Attachment | Object | A list of attachment ref or values (AttachmentRefOrValue [*]). File(s) attached to the trouble ticket. e.g. pictur of broken device, scaning of a bill or charge. | ContentDocument | Specifies the attachment(s) associated with the case. | No | NA |
channel | Object | A channel reference (ChannelRef). The channel that origin the trouble ticket. | Case.Origin | Specifies the origin of the case. | No | The Channel value must be availale as a Picklist value in the org. |
creationDate | String | The date on which the trouble ticket was created. | Case.CreatedDate | Specifies the case creation date. | No | NA |
lastUpdate | String | The date and time that the trouble ticked was last updated. | Case.LastModifiedDate | Specifies the last modified date of the case. | No | NA |
Note | Object | A list of note(s) that are associated to the ticket. | CaseComment | Specifies the comment(s) associated with the case. | No | NA |
priority | String | The priority of the trouble ticket and how quickly the issue should be resolved. Example: Critical, High, Medium, Low. The value is set by the ticket management system considering the severity, ticket type etc. | Case.Priority | Specifies the priority of the case. | No | The Priority value must be availale as a Picklist value in the org. |
RelatedEntity | Object | A list of related entities (RelatedEntity [*]). An entity that is related to the ticket such as a bill, a product, etc. The entity against which the ticket is associated. | Product/Asset | Specifies the product or asset related to the case. | No | Use an existing Product or Asset. |
RelatedParty | Object | A list of related parties (RelatedParty [*]). The related party(ies) that are associated to the ticket. | Account/Contact | Specifies the acount or contact related to the case. | No | Use an existing Account or Contact. |
resolutionDate | String | The date and time the trouble ticket was resolved. | Case.ClosedDate | Specifies the resolution date of the case. | No | NA |
status | String | A trouble ticket status type (TroubleTicketStatusType). The current status of the trouble ticket. | Case.Status | Specifies the current status of the case. | No | The Status value must be availale as a Picklist value in the org. |
statusChange | Object | A list of status changes (StatusChange [*]). The status change history that are associated to the ticket. | Case History | Lists the status changes for a case. | No | NA |
statusChangeDate | String | The date and time when the status changed. | Case History | Specifies the date of the latest status change of a case. | No | NA |
TroubleTicketRelationship | Object | A list of trouble ticket relationships (TroubleTicketRelationship []). A list of trouble ticket relationships (TroubleTicketRelationship []). Represents a relationship between trouble tickets. | Case.parentId | Specifies the related parent of the case. | No | Use an existing Case as a parent relation. |
name | String | Name of the trouble ticket, typically a short description provided by the user that create the ticket. | Case.Subject | Specifies the name of the case. | No | NA |