TMF621 v4 Resource Mappings

Before using the TMF621 resource mappings, see these recommendations:

  • Filtering and attribute selection is supported for first level attributes only.
  • Filtering is supported for these fields:
    • priority
    • status
    • ticketType
    • severity
    • name
    • description
  • Attribute selection is supported for these fields:
    • name
    • description
    • priority
    • status
    • lastUpdate
    • ticketType
    • creationDate
    • resolutionDate
    • severity
  • Description filters affect the search performance. Follow these guidelines:
    • Use full word search for the description field.
    • Wildcards suffix searches are supported. For example, to search ‘Sample’, use ?description=Sam or ?description=Sampl
  • Use the complete name while using name filters. For example, if the Case Name is ‘sample name’, then search using the complete name ‘sample name’.

These default mappings are supported for the TMF621 resources:

TMF FieldField TypeDescriptionSalesforce MappingSalesforce DescriptionIs Mandatory?Prerequisite
idStringA unique identifier of the Trouble Ticket.Case.CaseNumberSpecifies a unique identifier of the case.NoNA
hrefStringThe hyperlink reference of the trouble ticket entity.TMF Case URL + Case.CaseNumberSpecifies a unique referance of the case.NoNA
descriptionStringDescribes the trouble or issue.Case.DescriptionSpecifies the text area containing the case description.YesNA
severityStringThe severity of the issue. Indicates the implication of the issue on the expected functionality of a system, application, or service. Severity values are Critical, Major, and Minor.Case.vlocity_cmt__severity__cSpecifies the custom picklist values specifying the case severity. The values are Critical, Major, Minor.YesThe severity value must be availale as a Picklist value in the org.
ticketTypeStringThe business type of the trouble ticket such as incident, complain, or request.Case.TypeSpecifies the business type of the case.YesThe ticketType value must be availale as a Picklist value in the org.
AttachmentObjectA list of attachment ref or values (AttachmentRefOrValue [*]). File(s) attached to the trouble ticket. e.g. pictur of broken device, scaning of a bill or charge.ContentDocumentSpecifies the attachment(s) associated with the case.NoNA
channelObjectA channel reference (ChannelRef). The channel that origin the trouble ticket.Case.OriginSpecifies the origin of the case.NoThe Channel value must be availale as a Picklist value in the org.
creationDateStringThe date on which the trouble ticket was created.Case.CreatedDateSpecifies the case creation date.NoNA
lastUpdateStringThe date and time that the trouble ticked was last updated.Case.LastModifiedDateSpecifies the last modified date of the case.NoNA
NoteObjectA list of note(s) that are associated to the ticket.CaseCommentSpecifies the comment(s) associated with the case.NoNA
priorityStringThe priority of the trouble ticket and how quickly the issue should be resolved. Example: Critical, High, Medium, Low. The value is set by the ticket management system considering the severity, ticket type etc.Case.PrioritySpecifies the priority of the case.NoThe Priority value must be availale as a Picklist value in the org.
RelatedEntityObjectA list of related entities (RelatedEntity [*]). An entity that is related to the ticket such as a bill, a product, etc. The entity against which the ticket is associated.Product/AssetSpecifies the product or asset related to the case.NoUse an existing Product or Asset.
RelatedPartyObjectA list of related parties (RelatedParty [*]). The related party(ies) that are associated to the ticket.Account/ContactSpecifies the acount or contact related to the case.NoUse an existing Account or Contact.
resolutionDateStringThe date and time the trouble ticket was resolved.Case.ClosedDateSpecifies the resolution date of the case.NoNA
statusStringA trouble ticket status type (TroubleTicketStatusType). The current status of the trouble ticket.Case.StatusSpecifies the current status of the case.NoThe Status value must be availale as a Picklist value in the org.
statusChangeObjectA list of status changes (StatusChange [*]). The status change history that are associated to the ticket.Case HistoryLists the status changes for a case.NoNA
statusChangeDateStringThe date and time when the status changed.Case HistorySpecifies the date of the latest status change of a case.NoNA
TroubleTicketRelationshipObjectA list of trouble ticket relationships (TroubleTicketRelationship []). A list of trouble ticket relationships (TroubleTicketRelationship []). Represents a relationship between trouble tickets.Case.parentIdSpecifies the related parent of the case.NoUse an existing Case as a parent relation.
nameStringName of the trouble ticket, typically a short description provided by the user that create the ticket.Case.SubjectSpecifies the name of the case.NoNA
TMF Field NameTypeDescriptionSalesforce MappingSalesforce DescriptionIs Mandatory?
authorStringAuthor of the note.CreatedByIdSpecifies the author of the CaseComment.No
dateDateDate of the note.CreatedByDateSpecifie the date when the comment was created.No
idStringIdentifier of the note within its containing entity.IDSpecifies the unique identification of the CaseComment.No
textStringText of the note.CommentBodySpecifies the content of the comment.Yes
TMF Field NameTypeTMF DescriptionSalesforce Field NameSalesforce DescriptionIs Mandatory?
@referredTypeStringThe actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation.NASpecifies if the RelatedEntity is a Product or an Asset.Yes
idStringUnique identifier of a related entityProduct2.Id or Asset.IdSpecifies the unique idenfication of the Product or Asset.Yes
nameStringName of the related entityProduct2.Name / Asset.NameSpecifies the name of the Product or AssetNo
TMF Field NameTypeTMF DescriptionSalesforce Field NameSalesforce DescriptionIs Mandatory?
@referredTypeStringThe actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation.NASpecifies if the RelatedEntity is a Account or Contact.No
idStringUnique identifier of a related entity.Account.Id or Contact.IdSpecifies the unique identification of the Account or Contact.Yes
nameStringName of the related entity.Account.Name or Contact.NameSpecifies the name of the Account or Contact.No
TMF Field NameTypeTMF DescriptionSalesforce Field NameSalesforce descriptionMandatory?
relationshipTypeStringType of the Trouble Ticket relationship.NADescribes the relation to the entity. The supported value is Parent.No
idStringUnique identifier of the Trouble Ticket.Case.CaseNumberSpecifies the unique identifier of the Case.Yes