Custom Metadata

Get to know the custom metadata components for TMF637 API resources. Custom Metadata types enable you to create your own setup objects with records as metadata rather than data.

  • After an upgrade, ensure the Value and Default Valuefield values are updated as per the values in these tables. If any of the values aren't updated automatically, manually update the values as per the corresponding values in the table.
  • If any customer wants to restrict the OOB values available for the API, then Default Value field must be updated with the respective values. Because, the value of the Default Value field is takes precedence over the Value field value. We do not recommend changing the values of these two fields to different values.
MetaDataNameDescriptionDefault valueIncluded in the CME managed package
TMForumProductMethodsThis is the metadata used to define available methods for Product Inventory APIGETYes
TMForumProductVIPNameThis VIP is invoked by the GET Product Inventory API . Refer TMF extension guide for modificationstmf_TMForumProductYes
TMForumProductRequestDRTo get salesforce field mapped to tmf fieldTMFTMForumTransformProductRequestYes
TMForumEnablePageInfoIf value is set to true PageInfo and PageSize will be enabled in the responseTRUEYes
TMForumREPageSizeThe API applies the set limit to query the related entities of primary entity2000Yes
TMForumPageSizeThe API applies the set page limit to query the primary entity50Yes