TMF637 Resource Mappings
Before using the TMF637 resource mappings, refer the following.
- Attribute selection is supported for: name, isBundle, isCustomerVisible, description, status, productSerialNumber.
- The field terminationDate is supported only if the LifecycleManagement license is present. Specifically, the Addon License AssetLifecycleManagementAddon should be present.
- Filtering is enabled for: status, name, productSerialNumber, description.
- Recommendation for filtering for description.
- Use full word search
- Wildcard are only for suffix, e.g. to search ‘Sample’, use ?description=Sam or ?description=Sampl
- Custom metadata to configure ProductInventory First level attributes as per TMF. These will override the default first level attributes.
- key - FieldsToQuery
- api - TMForumProduct
- label - TMForumProductFieldsToQuery
- default value - vlocity_cmt__AssetReferenceId__c (This is mandatory).
- In case of more attributes please use csv of salesforce fields mapped as per the field mapping table.
- The Product Characteristics are mapped to Asset.AttributeSelectedValues__c if V2 attributes are enabled.
These default mappings are supported for the TMF637 resources.
TMF Field | Field Type | TMF Description | Salesforce Object | Salesforce Mapping | SF Description | IsMandatory by TMF |
billingAccount | Object | A BillingAccount is a detailed description of a bill structure. | Asset | Asset.vlocity_cmt__BillingAccountId__c | Billing Account associated with this product | No |
description | String | Is the description of the product. It could be copied from the description of the Product Offering | Asset | Asset.Description | Description of the Asset | No |
href | NA | Reference of the product | NA | NA | Reference URL of the asset | No |
id | String | Unique identifier of the product. | Asset | vlocity_cmt__AssetReferenceId__c | Unique Identifier of the asset. Mapped to Asset Reference Id | No |
isBundle | boolean | If true, the product is a ProductBundle which is an instantiation of a BundledProductOffering. If false, the product is a ProductComponent which is an instantiation of a SimpleProductOffering. | Asset | Asset.Product2.vlocity_cmt__specificationSubType__c | If true, the product is a ProductBundle which is an instantiation of a BundledProductOffering. If false, the product is a ProductComponent which is an instantiation of a SimpleProductOffering. | No |
isCustomerVisible | boolean | If true, the product is visible by the customer | Asset | Asset.Product2.vlocity_cmt__IsOrderable__c | If true, the product is visible by the customer | No |
name | String | Name of the product. It could be the same as the name of the product offering. | Asset | | Name of the Asset or Product | No |
orderDate | Date | Date when the product was ordered. | Asset | Asset.OrderProduct.Order.EffecitveDate | Date when the product was ordered | No |
productCharacteristic | List | A list of characteristics. Describes a given characteristic of an object or entity through a name/value pair. | Asset | Asset.vlocity_cmt__JSONAttribute__c OR Asset.AttributeSelectedValues__c | A list of characteristics. Describes a given characteristic of an object or entity through a name/value pair. | No |
productOffering | Object | A product offering represents entities that are orderable from the provider of the catalog, this resource includes pricing information. | Product | Asset.Product2Id | A product offering represents entities that are orderable from the provider of the catalog. | No |
productOrderItem | List | A list of related product order items. The product order item which triggered product creation/change/termination. | Asset | Asset.vlocity_cmt__OrderProductId__c | A list of related product order items. The product order item which triggered product creation/change/termination. | No |
productPrice | List | An amount, usually of money, that represents the actual price paid by a Customer for a purchase, a rent or a lease of a Product. The price is valid for a defined period of time. | Asset | Refer comments | An amount, usually of money, that represents the actual price paid by a Customer for a purchase, a rent or a lease of a Product. | No |
productSerialNumber | String | Serial number for the product. This is typically applicable to tangible products | Asset | Asset.SerialNumber | Serial number for the product. This is typically applicable to tangible products | No |
productSpecification | Object | A ProductSpecification is a detailed description of a tangible or intangible object made available externally in the form of a ProductOffering to customers or other parties playing a party role. | Product | Asset.produc2tId.prodSpecId | A ProductSpecification is a detailed description of a tangible or intangible object made available externally in the form of a ProductOffering to customers or other parties playing a party role. | No |
relatedParty | List | Related Entity reference. A related party defines party or party role linked to a specific entity | Asset | Asset.Accountid | Related Entity reference. A related party defines party or party role linked to a specific entity | No |
startDate | Date | The date from which the product starts. | Asset | Asset.activationDate | The date from which the product starts | No |
status | String | Lifecycle status of the product. | Asset | Asset.vlocity_cmt__ProvisioningStatus__c | Provisioning Status of the Asset | Yes |
terminationDate | DateTime | Date when the product was terminated. | Asset | Asset.LifecycleEndDate | Date when the product was terminated | No |
TMForum Field | TMForum Description | Salesforce Mapping | Salesforce Description | Is Mandatory by TMForum |
productOrderId | A string. Unique identifier of a related entity. | Orderitem.Order.OrderNumber | unique identifier of the product | Yes |
orderItemId | A string. Identifier of the order item where the product was managed. | Orderitem.OrderItemNumber | Unique identifier of orderItem | No |
orderItemAction | A string. Action of the order item for this product. | OrderProduct.vlocity_cmt__Action__c | Action | No |
TMForum Field | TMForum Description | Salesforce Mapping | Salesforce Description | Is Mandatory by TMForum |
name | A string. Name of the related entity. | Account.Name | Name of the account | No |
id | A string. unique identifier. | Account.AccountNumber | External id for the given account | Yes |
@referredType | A string. The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation. | Schema object name i.e "Account" | NA | Yes |
TMForum Field | TMForum Description | Salesforce Mapping | Salesforce Description | Is Mandatory by TMForum |
name | A string. Name of the related entity. | | Name of the account. | No |
id | A string. unique identifier. | Asset.vlocity_cmt__BillingAccountId__r.AccountNumber | External id for the given account. | Yes |
TMForum Field | TMForum Description | Salesforce Mapping | Salesforce Description | Is Mandatory by TMForum |
name | A string. Name of the related entity. | | Product offering name. | No |
id | A string. Unique identifier of a related entity. | Asset.Product2Id | Salesforce ID of the product offering. | Yes |
TMForum Field | TMForum Description | Salesforce Mapping | Salesforce Description | Is Mandatory by TMForum |
name | A string. Name of the related entity. | Asset.Product2.vlocity_cmt__ProductSpecId__r.Name | Product specification name. | No |
id | A string. Unique identifier of a related entity. | Asset.Product2.vlocity_cmt__ProductSpecId__r.Id | Salesforce ID of the product specification. | Yes |
TMForum Field | TMForum Description | Salesforce Mapping | Salesforce Description | Is Mandatory by TMForum |
name | A string. Short descriptive. | vlocity_cmt__PriceListEntry__c.Name | Name of the price list entry. | No |
description | A string. A narrative that explains in detail the semantics of this product price. | vlocity_cmt__PriceListEntry__c.DisplayText__c | Description of the price list entry. | No |
price.taxIncludedAmount.unit | A money (Money). The amount of money that characterizes the price. | vlocity_cmt__PriceListEntry__c.vlocity_cmt__PricingElementId__r.vlocity_cmt__CurrencyCode__c | Specifies currency code. | No |
price.taxIncludedAmount.value | A money (Money). The amount of money that characterizes the price. | vlocity_cmt__PriceListEntry__c.vlocity_cmt__PricingElementId__r.vlocity_cmt__Amount__c | Price of the product offer. | No |
priceType | A string. A category that describes the price, such as recurring, discount, allowance, penalty, and so forth. | vlocity_cmt__PriceListEntry__c.vlocity_cmt__PricingElementId__r.vlocity_cmt__PricingVariableId__r.vlocity_cmt__ChargeType__c | Describes the price, like one time or recurring. | Yes |
recurringChargePeriod | A string. The period to repeat the application of the price Could be month, week... | vlocity_cmt__PriceListEntry__c.vlocity_cmt__PricingElementId__r.vlocity_cmt__PricingVariableId__r.vlocity_cmt__RecurringFrequency__c | Frequency of the price type. | No |
unitOfMeasure | A string. Could be minutes, GB | vlocity_cmt__PriceListEntry__c.vlocity_cmt__PricingElementId__r.vlocity_cmt__CurrencyCode__c | Effective period in which the price list entry is valid. | No |
productPriceAlteration | A list of price alterations (PriceAlteration [*]). Is an amount, usually of money, that modifies the price charged for an order item. | Asset.vlocity_cmt__PricingLogData__c | Specifies price adjustment. | No |
Salesforce Object : If V2 model is disabled, refer the following mapping table and use Asset.vlocity_cmt__JSONAttribute__c. If V2 model is enabled then Asset.AttributeSelectedValues__c is used.
TMForum Field | TMForum Description | Salesforce Mapping | Salesforce Description | Is Mandatory by TMForum |
name | A list of characteristics (Characteristic [*]). Describes a given characteristic of an object or entity through a name/value pair. | Asset.vlocity_cmt__JSONAttribute__c.attributeuniquecode__c | Attribute Unique code | No |
value | A list of characteristics (Characteristic [*]). Describes a given characteristic of an object or entity through a name/value pair. | Asset.vlocity_cmt__JSONAttribute__c.value__c | Attribute Value | No |
valueType | A list of characteristics (Characteristic [*]). Describes a given characteristic of an object or entity through a name/value pair. NOTE: Supported only for JSON attribute mapping. | Asset.vlocity_cmt__JSONAttribute__c.valuedatatype__c | Attribute Value. type | No |