TMF648 v4 Resource Mappings

Before using the TMF648 resource mappings, refer the following.

  • By default, opportunity is mandatory to create a quote. But the TMF specification does not support opportunity based quote. Hence, perform the following.
    • Create the opportunity, before creating the quote in the POST request. To create opportunity, following parameters are needed.
      • Name: This is a text field. Hard coded with the TMF Opportunity_%TIMESTAMP% value.
      • Close Date: This is a date field. Current date can be used.
      • Stage: This is a picklist field. Values supported are Proposal/Price Quote.
    • Extendthe POST request payload to support the opportunity id as an additional tag.
  • Name is mandatory to create a quote in Salesforce. This field is hard coded with the TMF Quote_%TIMESTAMP% value.
  • If 648 POST is expected as a synchronous call - API time limit/SLA of 3s is not achievable.
  • The PriceList is a mandatory parameter for CPQ to add products to the cart but price list information is not sent in the input JSON. So, a metadata record VlocityIntegrationSetting\_\_mdt.TMForumPriceList is maintained for all the TMF APIs to configure the pricelist name.
  • To add a product to add to a cart, PriceBookEntry Id(PBEId) is a mandatory field in Salesforce. The PBEId value is fetched from the PriceBookEntry by the product’s GlobalGroupKey__c of the incoming payload.
  • The incoming payload is assumed that of only parent level products.
  • Following parameters are ignored from the input payload.
    • product specification
    • product characteristics
    • pricing overrides
    • offer details
    • pricing details
  • If a quote is created without status from the UI, the status is null in database. Retrieving such a record using TMF648 API generates a response without the mandatory state field.
  • Filtering on the description fields is not possible for the quote object, as the field is not TextIndexed.
  • With standard APIs enabled, it is mandatory to send relatedParty with AccountId details in the request payload, as the addToCart operation does not support addition of products to cart without AccountId.
  • Quote versioning is not supported.
  • The InstantSyncQuote is not supported. An error is displayed if the field is set to true.
  • Quotes are ordered by created date. Latest created ones appear first in the GET response.
  • Account present in relatedParty payload for the POST operation must have Status : “Active” and Active : “Yes”.
  • Only add is supported as action for QuoteLineItem.
  • The quantity of QuoteLineItem that can be added is always 1.
  • If the state field is enabled for QuoteLineItem and picklist values are configured in the org , POST request updates every QuoteLineItem with the default value of state.
  • The id and role are mandatory for the relatedParty request payload.
  • For billing account only id is considered and name is ignored. Only single billing account is assumed, so the first one is considered.
  • The id is mandatory for agreement, whereas if name is also provided then both are considered.
  • Only V2 attributes are supported.
  • All the quotes are priced upon adding items to it.

These default mappings are supported for the TMF648 resources.

TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSalesforce MappingField Type
idA string. Unique identifier attributed by quoting system.Yes in GET response
No in POST request
YesQuoteQuote → QuoteNumberString
hrefA string. Hyperlink to access the quote.NoYes--String
categoryA string. Used to categorize the quote from a business perspective that can be useful for the CRM system. For example, enterprise, residential, and so on.NoYesQuoteQuote → TypePicklist
descriptionA string. Description of the quote.NoYesQuoteQuote → DescriptionString
effectiveQuoteCompletionDateA date time (DateTime). Date when the quote is completed.Yes in GET response when the quote is completed
No in POST request
Yes when the quote is in Accepted or Rejected state.QuoteHistoryQuoteHistory → CreatedDate (where newValue='Accepted or newValue='Rejected')DateTime
expectedFulfillmentStartDateA date time (DateTime). This is the date wished by the requester to have the requested quote item delivered.NoNo---
expectedQuoteCompletionDateA date time (DateTime). This is expected date from quote supplier to be able to send back a response for this quote.NoNo---
externalIdA string. ID given by the consumer and only understandable by him (to facilitate his searches afterwards).NoNo---
instantSyncQuoteA boolean. An indicator which when the value is true means that requester expects to get quoting result immediately in the response. If the indicator is true then the response code of 200 indicates the operation is successful otherwise a task is created with a response 201.NoNo---
quoteDateA date time (DateTime). Date and time when the quote was created.Yes in GET response
No in POST request
YesQuoteQuote → CreatedDateDateTime
requestedQuoteCompletionDateA date time (DateTime). This is requested date from quote requester to get a complete response for this quote.NoNo---
versionA string. Quote version. If the customer rejected the quote but negotiations still open a new version of the quote is managed. Default value is V1.NoYes--String
A quote state type (QuoteStateType). State of the quote.Yes in GET response
No in POST request
YesQuoteQuote → StatusPicklist
@baseTypeThe @baseType attribute gives a way to provide explicitly the base of class of a given resource that has been extended.NoNo---
@typeThe @type attribute provides a way to represent the actual class type of an entity.NoNo---
@schemaLocationThe @schemaLocation property can be used in resources to allow specifying user-defined properties of an Entity or to specify the expected characteristics of an entity.NoNo---
agreementA list of agreement references (AgreementRef [*]). A reference to an agreement defining the context of the quote.NoYesContractQuote → ContractIdAgreement (Contract)
authorizationA list of authorizations (Authorization [*]). An authorization provided for the quote.NoNo---
billingAccountA list of billing account references (BillingAccountRef [*]). A reference to a billing account to provide quote context information.NoYesAccountQuote → vlocity_cmt__DefaultBillingAccountId__cBilling Account
contactMediumA list of contact mediums (ContactMedium [*]). Information contact related to the quote requester.No
ContactQuote → ContactIdContact Medium
noteA list of notes (Note [*]). Free form text associated with the quote.NoNo---
productOfferingQualificationA list of product offering qualification references (ProductOfferingQualificationRef [*]). A reference to a previously done product offering qualification.NoNo---
quoteItemA list of quote items (QuoteItem [1..*]). An item of the quote. It is used to describe an operation on a product to be quoted.Optional in GET response
Yes in POST body
Optional in GET response
Yes in POST body
QuoteLineItemQuote → QuoteLineItemQuote Item
quoteTotalPriceA list of quote prices (QuotePrice [*]). Quote total price.NoYesQuoteQuote → vlocity_cmt__EffectiveOneTimeTotal__c
Quote → vlocity_cmt__EffectiveRecurringTotal__c
Quote Price
relatedPartyA list of related parties (RelatedParty [*]). A reference to a party playing a role in this quote (customer, seller, requester, etc).NoYesQuoteQuote → ContactId
Quote → AccountId
Quote → vlocity_cmt__DefaultServiceAccountId__c
Related Party
validForA time period. Quote validity period.NoNo---

Default mappings are available for the following TMF648 sub-resources.

TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSalesforce MappingField Type
idA string. Unique identifier attributed by quoting system.Yes in GET responseYesQuoteLineItemQuote -> QuoteLineItem → LineNumberString
hrefA string. Hyperlink to access the quote.NoYes--String
actionA string. Action to be performed on this quote item (add, modify, remove, etc.).Yes in both GET response and POST requestYesQuoteLineItemQuote -> QuoteLineItem → vlocity_cmt__Action__cString
appointmentA list of appointment references (AppointmentRef [*]). A reference to appointment(s) associated with this quote item.NoNo---
noteA list of notes (Note [*]). Free form text associated with the quote item.NoNo---
productA product ref or value (ProductRefOrValue). A product to be created defined by value or existing defined by reference. The polymorphic attributes @type, @schemaLocation & @referredType are related to the product entity and not the RelatedProductRefOrValue class itself.Yes if ProductOffering is not provided in both GET response and POST requestYes. ProductOffering is mandatory in our datamodel. So this is optional.Product2Quote → QuoteLineItem → vlocity_cmt__Product2Id__c → vlocity_cmt__productSpecid__cProduct
productOfferingA product offering reference (ProductOfferingRef). A product offering represents entities that are orderable from the provider of the catalog, this resource includes pricing information.Yes if Product is not provided in both GET response and POST requestYesProduct2Quote -> QuoteLineItem → vlocity_cmt__Product2Id__cProduct Offering (Product2)
productOfferingQualificationItemA product offering qualification item reference (ProductOfferingQualificationItemRef). A reference to a previously done POQ with item specified.NoNo---
quantityAn integer. Quantity asked for this quote item.NoYesQuoteLineItemQuote → QuoteLineItem → QuantityInteger
quoteItemAuthorizationA list of authorizations (Authorization [*]). Authorization related to this quote item.NoNo---
quoteItemPriceA list of quote prices (QuotePrice [*]). Price for this quote item.NoYesQuotevlocity_cmt__EffectiveBaseRecurringTotal__c, vlocity_cmt__EffectiveBaseOneTimeTotal__cQuote Price
quoteItemRelationshipA list of quote item relationships (QuoteItemRelationship [*]). A relationship from item within a quote.NoYesvlocity_cmt__QuoteLineItemRelationship__cQuoteLineItem → vlocity_cmt__QuoteLineItemRelationship__c → vlocity_cmt__QuoteLineItemId__c
QuoteLineItem → vlocity_cmt__QuoteLineItemRelationship__c → vlocity_cmt__RelatedQuoteLineItemId__c
QuoteLineItem → vlocity_cmt__QuoteLineItemRelationship__c →vlocity_cmt__RelationshipType__c
Quote Item Relationship
relatedPartyA list of related parties (RelatedParty [*]). A reference to a party playing a role in this quote item.NoYesQuoteLineItemQuote -> QuoteLineItem → vlocity_cmt__ServiceAccountId__cRelated Party
stateA string. State of the quote item.Yes in GET response
No in POST request
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSalesforce MappingField Type
idA string. Unique identifier attributed by quoting system.NoNo---
hrefA string. Hyperlink to access the product.NoNo---
isBundleA boolean. If true, the product is a ProductBundle, which is an instantiation of a BundledProductOffering. If false, the product is a ProductComponent, which is an instantiation of a SimpleProductOffering.NoYes in GET Response
No in POST request
Product2QuoteLineItem → Product2 → vlocity_cmt__SpecificationSubType__cBoolean
nameA string. Name of the product. It can be the same as the name of the product offering.NoYes in GET Response
No in POST request
Product2QuotelineItem→Product2 → NameString
@typeThe @type attribute provides a way to represent the actual class type of an entity.NoNo---
@schemaLocationThe @schemaLocation property can be used in resources to allow specifying user-defined properties of an entity or to specify the expected characteristics of an entity.NoNo---
@baseTypeThe @baseType attribute gives a way to provide explicitly the base of class of a given resource that has been extended.NoNo---
isCustomerVisibleA boolean. If true, the product is visible by the customer.NoNo---
descriptionA string. Is the description of the product. It can be copied from the description of the Product Offering.NoYesProduct2QuotelineItem→Product2 → DescriptionString
orderDateA date time (DateTime). Is the date when the product was ordered.NoYesOrderOrderProduct (where quoteitemid matches) → OrderId → CreatedDateDateTime
productSerialNumberA string. Is the serial number for the product. This is typically applicable to tangible products e.g. Broadband Router.NoYesQuoteLineNumberQuotelineItem→ vlocity_cmt__SerialNumber__cString
startDateA date time (DateTime). Is the date from which the product starts.NoNo---
terminationDateA date time (DateTime). Is the date when the product was terminated.NoNo---
agreementA list of agreement item references (AgreementItemRef [*]). Agreement reference. An agreement represents a contract or arrangement, either written or verbal and sometimes enforceable by law, such as a service level agreement or a customer price agreement. An agreement involves a number of other business entities, such as products, services, and resources and/or their specifications.NoNo---
billingAccountA billing account reference (BillingAccountRef). A BillingAccount is a detailed description of a bill structure.NoNo---
placeA list of related place ref or values (RelatedPlaceRefOrValue [*]). Related Entity reference. A related place defines a place described by reference or by value linked to a specific entity. The polymorphic attributes @type, @schemaLocation & @referredType are related to the place entity and not the RelatedPlaceRefOrValue class itself.NoNo---
productA list of product ref or values (ProductRefOrValue [*]). A product to be created defined by value or existing defined by reference. The polymorphic attributes @type, @schemaLocation & @referredType are related to the product entity and not the RelatedProductRefOrValue class itself.NoNo---
productCharacteristicA list of characteristics (Characteristic [*]). Describes a given characteristic of an object or entity through a name/value pair.NoYesQuoteLineItem
productOfferingA product offering reference (ProductOfferingRef). A product offering represents entities that are orderable from the provider of the catalog, this resource includes pricing information.NoYesProduct2QuoteLineItem → Product2IdProduct Offering (Product2)
productOrderItemA list of related product order items (RelatedProductOrderItem [*]). RelatedProductOrderItem (ProductOrder item). The product order item which triggered product creation/change/termination.NoNoOrderProductOrderProduct (where quoteitemid matches) → OrderId → CreatedDate-
productPriceA list of product prices (ProductPrice [*]). An amount, usually of money, that represents the actual price paid by a Customer for a purchase, a rent or a lease of a Product. The price is valid for a defined period of time.NoNo---
productRelationshipA list of product relationships (ProductRelationship [*]). Linked products to the one instantiate, such as [bundled] if the product is a bundle and you want to describe the bundled products inside this bundle; [reliesOn] if the product needs another already owned product to rely on (e.g. an option on an already owned mobile access product) [targets] or [isTargeted] (depending on the way of expressing the link) for any other kind of links that may be useful.NoNo---
productSpecificationA product specification reference (ProductSpecificationRef). A ProductSpecification is a detailed description of a tangible or intangible object made available externally in the form of a ProductOffering to customers or other parties playing a party role.NoYesProduct2Quote → Asset → Product2IdProductSpecification
productTermA list of product terms (ProductTerm [*]). Description of a productTerm linked to this product. This represent a commitment with a duration.NoNo---
realizingResourceA list of resource references (ResourceRef [*]).NoNo---
realizingServiceA list of service references (ServiceRef [*]). for when Service is used by other entities.NoNo---
relatedPartyA list of related parties (RelatedParty [*]). Related Entity reference. A related party defines party or party role linked to a specific entity.NoYesAccount
QuoteLineItem --> vlocity_cmt__AssetId__r → AccountId
QuoteLineItem --> vlocity_cmt__AssetId__r → ContactId
QuoteLineItem --> vlocity_cmt__AssetId__r → vlocity_cmt__ServiceAccountId__c
Related Party
statusA product status type (ProductStatusType). Is the lifecycle status of the product.NoYesQuoteLineItemQuoteLineItem→ vlocity_cmt__Assetid__r → StatusPicklist
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSalesforce MappingField Type
idA string. Unique identifier of a related entity.Yes in GET response and POST requestYesProduct2GlobalGroupKey__cString
hrefA string. Reference of the related entity.NoYes--String
nameA string. Name of the related entity.NoYesProduct2nameString
@referredTypeA string. The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation.NoNo---
@baseTypeThe @baseType attribute gives a way to provide explicitly the base of class of a given resource that has been extended.NoNo---
@schemaLocationThe @schemaLocation property can be used in resources to allow specifying user-defined properties of an Entity or to specify the expected characteristics of an entity.NoNo---
@typeThe @type attribute provides a way to represent the actual class type of an entity.NoYes--Product2
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSalesforce MappingField Type
idYesA string. ID of the related order item (must be in the same quote).Yes in both GET response and POST requestYesvlocity_cmt__QuoteLineItemRelationship__cvlocity_cmt__QuoteLineItemRelationship__c (
where vlocity_cmt__QuoteLineItemId__c matches) → vlocity_cmt__RelatedQuoteLineItemId__c
relationshipTypeA string. Relationship type as relies on, bundles, and so on.Yes in both GET response and POST requestYesvlocity_cmt__QuoteLineItemRelationship__cQuote -> QuoteLineItem → vlocity_cmt__QuoteLineItemRelationship__c → vlocity_cmt__RelationshipType__cPicklist
@baseTypeThe @baseType attribute gives a way to provide explicitly the base of class of a given resource that has been extended.NoNo---
@schemaLocationThe @schemaLocation property can be used in resources to allow specifying user-defined properties of an Entity or to specify the expected characteristics of an entity.NoNo---
@typeThe @type attribute provides a way to represent the actual class type of an entity.NoNo---
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSalesforce MappingField Type
nameA string, name of the product characteristicYes in both GET response and POST requestYesQuoteLineItemvlocity_cmt__AttributeSelectedValues__cString
valueTypeA string, value type of the product characteristicNoNo---
valueA string, value of the product characteristicYes in both GET response and POST requestYesQuoteLineItemvlocity_cmt__AttributeSelectedValues__cString/Integer
@baseTypeThe @baseType attribute gives a way to provide explicitly the base of class of a given resource that has been extended.NoNo---
@schemaLocationThe @schemaLocation property can be used in resources to allow specifying user-defined properties of an Entity or to specify the expected characteristics of an entity.NoNo---
@typeThe @type attribute provides a way to represent the actual class type of an entity.NoNo---
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSalesforce MappingField Type
idA string. Unique identifier of a related entity.Yes in both GET response and POST requestYesContact
hrefA string. Reference of the related entity.NoYes--String
@referredTypeA string. The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation.Yes in both GET response and POST requestYes--Contact or Account based on the instance
nameA string. Name of the agreement.NoYesContact
roleA string. Role played by the related party.NoYes--Contact or Account or Default Service Account or Service Account in case of QuoteItem based on the field
@baseTypeThe @baseType attribute gives a way to provide explicitly the base of class of a given resource that has been extended.NoNo---
@schemaLocationThe @schemaLocation property can be used in resources to allow specifying user-defined properties of an Entity or to specify the expected characteristics of an entity.NoNo---
@typeThe @type attribute provides a way to represent the actual class type of an entity.NoNo---
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSalesforce MappingField Type
idA string. Unique identifier of a related entity.Yes in both GET response and POST requestYesContractContractNumberString
hrefA string. Reference of the related entity.NoYes--String
@referredTypeA string. The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation.NoNo---
nameA string. Name of the agreement.NoYesContractNameString
@baseTypeThe @baseType attribute gives a way to provide explicitly the base of class of a given resource that has been extended.NoNo---
@schemaLocationThe @schemaLocation property can be used in resources to allow specifying user-defined properties of an Entity or to specify the expected characteristics of an entity.NoNo---
@typeThe @type attribute provides a way to represent the actual class type of an entity.NoNo---
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSalesforce MappingField Type
idA string. Unique identifier of a related entity.Yes in both GET request and POST responseYesProduct2Quote -> QuoteLineItem →
vlocity_cmt__Product2Id__c -
vlocity_cmt__ProductSpecId__c → vlocity_cmt__GlobalGroupKey__c
hrefA string. Reference of the related entity.NoYes--String
versionA string. Version of the product specification.NoNo---
nameA string. Name of the related entity.NoYesProduct2Quote -> QuoteLineItem →
vlocity_cmt__Product2Id__c -
vlocity_cmt__ProductSpecId__c → Name
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSalesforce MappingField Type
idA string. Unique identifier of a related entity.Yes in GET response
Yes in POST request
@referredTypeA string. The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation.NoNo--String
nameA string. Name of the billing account.NoYesAccountNameString
hrefA string. Reference of the billing account.NoYes--String
@baseTypeThe @baseType attribute gives a way to provide explicitly the base of class of a given resource that has been extended.NoNo---
@schemaLocationThe @schemaLocation property can be used in resources to allow specifying user-defined properties of an Entity or to specify the expected characteristics of an entity.NoNo---
@typeThe @type attribute provides a way to represent the actual class type of an entity.NoNo---
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSalesforce MappingField Type
characteristicA medium characteristic (MediumCharacteristic). Any additional characteristic(s) of this contact medium.NoYes--MediumCharacteristic (Characteristic)
mediumTypeA string. Type of the contact medium, such as: email address, telephone number, postal address.Yes in both GET response and POST requestYes--String
preferredA boolean. If true, indicates that is the preferred contact medium.NoNo---
validForA time period. The time period that the contact medium is valid for.NoNo---
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSalesforce MappingField Type
cityA string. The city.NoNo---
contactTypeA string. The type of contact. For example, phone number such as mobile, fixed home, fixed office. Postal address such as shipping installation.NoYes--String
countryA string. The country.NoNo---
emailAddressA string. Full email address in standard format.NoYesQuoteQuote → EmailString
faxNumberA string. The fax number of the contact.NoYesQuoteQuote → FaxString
phoneNumberA string. The primary phone number of the contact.NoYesQuoteQuote → PhoneString
postCodeA string. Postcode.NoNo---
socialNetworkIdA string. Identifier as a member of a social network.NoNo---
stateOrProvinceA string. State or province.NoNo---
street1A string. Describes the street.NoNo---
street2A string. Complementary street description.NoNo---
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSalesforce MappingField Type
descriptionA string. Description of the quote/quote item price.NoNo---
nameA string. Name of the quote /quote item price.NoNo---
priceA price (Price). Provides all amounts (tax included, duty free, tax rate), used currency and percentage to apply for Price Alteration.Yes in GET response (when QuotePrice or QuoteItemPrice exists)
No in POST request
Yes for both QuoteTotalPrice and QuoteItemPriceQuote
Quote → QuoteLineItem
On Quote:

priceAlterationA list of price alterations (PriceAlteration [*]). Is an amount, usually of money, that modifies the price charged for an order item.NoYesvlocity_cmt__QuotePricingAdjustment__cvlocity_cmt__QuotePricingAdjustment__c (where quoteid=id) → vlocity_cmt__Promotion__c → name

vlocity_cmt__QuotePricingAdjustment__c (where quotelineitemid=id) → vlocity_cmt__Promotion__c → name
priceTypeA string. indicate if the price is for recurrent or no-recurrent charge.Yes in GET response
No in POST request
Yes for both QuoteTotalPrice and QuoteItemPriceQuote
Quote → QuoteLineItem
productOfferingPriceA product offering price reference (ProductOfferingPriceRef). An amount, usually of money, that is asked for or allowed when a ProductOffering is bought, rented, or leased. The price is valid for a defined period of time.NoYes only for QuoteItemPricevlocity_cmt__PriceListEntry__cNA for Quote

QuoteLineItem → vlocity_cmt__PriceList__c → vlocity_cmt__PriceListEntry__c
recurringChargePeriodA string. Used for recurring charge to indicate period (month, week, etc).Yes if the price type is recurring – must not be filled elseYes for both QuoteTotalPrice and QuoteItemPriceQuote -> QuoteLineItem -> Product2 -> vlocity_cmt__PriceListEntry__c -> vlocity_cmt__PricingElement__c → vlocity_cmt__PricingVariable__cvlocity_cmt__RecurringFrequency__cString
unitOfMeasureUnit of Measure if pricing depending on it (Gb, SMS Volume, etc.)NoNo---
@baseTypeThe @baseType attribute gives a way to provide explicitly the base of class of a given resource that has been extended.NoNo---
@schemaLocationThe @schemaLocation property can be used in resources to allow specifying user-defined properties of an Entity or to specify the expected characteristics of an entity.NoNo---
@typeThe @type attribute provides a way to represent the actual class type of an entity.NoNo---
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSalesforce MappingField Type
dutyFreeAmountA money (Money). All taxes excluded amount (expressed in the given currency).NoNo---
percentageA float. Percentage to apply for ProdOfferPriceAlteration.NoNo---
taxIncludedAmountA money (Money). All taxes included amount (expressed in the given currency).Yes for QuoteItemPrice and QuoteTotalPrice.YesQuote
Quote → QuoteLineItem
vlocity_cmt__EffectiveRecurringTotal__c, vlocity_cmt__EffectiveOneTimeTotal__cAmount
taxRateA float. Tax rate.NoNo---
percentageA float. Percentage of discount.NoYes for PriceAlterationvlocity_cmt__PricingVariable__cvlocity_cmt__QuotePricingAdjustment__c (where quoteid or quotelineitemid matches) → vlocity_cmt__AdjustmentValue__c → vlocity_cmt__PriceListEntry__c → vlocity_cmt__PricingElement__c → vlocity_cmt__PricingVariable__c → vlocity_cmt__AdjustmentValue__cFloat
@baseTypeThe @baseType attribute gives a way to provide explicitly the base of class of a given resource that has been extended.NoNo---
@schemaLocationThe @schemaLocation property can be used in resources to allow specifying user-defined properties of an Entity or to specify the expected characteristics of an entity.NoNo---
@typeThe @type attribute provides a way to represent the actual class type of an entity.NoNo---
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSalesforce MappingField Type
unitA money (Money). All taxes excluded amount (expressed in the given currency).Yes in GET response
No in POST request
valueA float. Percentage to apply for ProdOfferPriceAlteration.Yes in GET response
No in POST request
YesQuote if quoteTotalPrice

QuoteLineItem if quoteItemPrice
vlocity_cmt__EffectiveRecurringTotal__c, vlocity_cmt__EffectiveOneTimeTotal__c-
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSalesforce MappingField Type
applicationDurationAn integer. Duration during which the alteration applies on the order item price (for instance 2 months free of charge for the recurring charge).NoNo---
descriptionA string. A narrative that explains in detail the semantics of this order item price alteration.NoYesvlocity_cmt__Promotion__cvlocity_cmt__QuotePricingAdjustment__c → vlocity_cmt__Promotion__c → vlocity_cmt__Description__cString
nameA string. Name of the order item price alteration.NoYesvlocity_cmt__Promotion__cvlocity_cmt__QuotePricingAdjustment__c → vlocity_cmt__Promotion__c → nameString
priceA price (Price). Provides all amounts (tax included, duty free, tax rate), used currency and percentage to apply for Price Alteration.Yes in GET response
No in POST request
Yesvlocity_cmt__PricingVariable__cvlocity_cmt__QuotePricingAdjustment__c (where quoteid or quotelineitemid matches) → vlocity_cmt__AdjustmentValue__c

vlocity_cmt__QuotePricingAdjustment__c (where quoteid or quotelineitemid matches) → vlocity_cmt__PricingVariable__c → vlocity_cmt__AdjustmentMethod__c

vlocity_cmt__QuotePricingAdjustment__c (where quoteid or quotelineitemid matches) → vlocity_cmt__PricingVariable__c → vlocity_cmt__RecurringFrequency__c
priceTypeA string. A category that describes the price such as recurring and one time.Yes in GET response
No in POST request
Yesvlocity_cmt__PricingVariable__cvlocity_cmt__QuotePricingAdjustment__c (where quoteid or quotelineitemid matches) → vlocity_cmt__PriceListEntry__c → vlocity_cmt__PricingElement__c → vlocity_cmt__PricingVariable__c → vlocity_cmt__ChargeType__cPicklist
priorityAn integer. Priority level for applying this alteration among all the defined alterations on the order item price.NoNo---
productOfferingPriceA product offering price reference (ProductOfferingPriceRef). ProductPriceOffering reference. An amount, usually of money, that is asked for or allowed when a ProductOffering is bought, rented, or leased.NoNo---
recurringChargePeriodA string. Could be month, week.Yes if the price type is recurringvlocity_cmt__PricingVariable__cvlocity_cmt__QuotePricingAdjustment__c (where quoteid or quotelineitemid matches) → vlocity_cmt__PriceListEntry__c → vlocity_cmt__PricingElement__c → vlocity_cmt__PricingVariable__c → vlocity_cmt__RecurringFrequency__cPicklist
unitOfMeasureA string. Could be minutes, GB.NoNo---
@baseTypeThe @baseType attribute gives a way to provide explicitly the base of class of a given resource that has been extended.NoNo---
@schemaLocationThe @schemaLocation property can be used in resources to allow specifying user-defined properties of an Entity or to specify the expected characteristics of an entity.NoNo---
@typeThe @type attribute provides a way to represent the actual class type of an entity.NoNo---
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSalesforce MappingField Type
idA string. Unique identifier of a related entity.NoNoQuote → QuoteLineItem → vlocity_cmt__PriceList → vlocity_cmt__PriceListEntryvlocity_cmt__PricingElementId__cId
hrefA string. Reference of the related entity.NoNo---
nameA string. Name of the related entity.Yes in GET responseYesQuote → QuoteLineItem → vlocity_cmt__PriceList → vlocity_cmt__PriceListEntryNameString
@referredTypeA string. The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation.NoNo---

To enable history tracking on status field of Quote

  1. From the management settings for the object whose field history you want to track, go to the fields area.
  2. Click Set History Tracking.
  3. For accounts, contacts, leads, and opportunities, select the Enable Account History, Enable Contact History, Enable Lead History, or Enable Opportunity History checkbox.
  4. Choose the fields you want tracked.
    You can select a combination of up to 20 standard and custom fields per object. For accounts, this limit includes fields for both business accounts and person accounts. Certain changes, such as case escalations, are always tracked. History Tracking

If history tracking is not enabled for the status field on Quote and the status of Quote is changed to ‘Accepted’ or ‘Rejected’, in this case effectiveQuoteCompletionDate will have a default value of '01/01/1970, 12:00 AM'.

Following validations and conditions are considered for the POST operation.

  • Price list validation is configured in the metadata.
  • Validate if all the mandatory fields are provided in the payload.
  • At least one QuoteItem must be available in the POST request.
  • The instantSyncQuote must be set to false in the POST request.
  • Following must not be available in POST request body
    • PriceAlteration
    • Amount
    • Price
    • quoteTotalPrice/quoteItemPrice
    • quoteAuthorization
    • state
    • validFor
    • effectiveQuoteCompletionDate
    • Id
    • href
    • quoteDate
    • appointment
    • quoteItemAuthorization
  • Either Product or ProductOffering is mandatory in the POST request.