TMF667 v4 Resource Mappings

Before using the TMF667 resource mappings, refer the following.

  • TMF667 API manages the metadata related to a document.
  • POST Method
    • The body of the document itself is referred to by the associated Attachment. Only URL upload is supported in POST method.
    • Mandatory POST attributes are - name, attachment.url.
  • The documentType attribute will have salesforce autopopulated value of LINK.
  • Filtering is supported for name attribute. Full-word search only.
  • Attribute selection is supported for name, documentType, status, description, creationdate, lastupdate.
  • The CommsCloud license is enabled to invoke the TMF667 API.
  • Supporting core entity for document is ContentDocument. The mappings are in reference to ContentVersion.
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory?Field TypeSalesforce MappingSupported Method
creationDateThe date and time the document was createdNoDateTimeCreatedDateGET
descriptionFree-text description of the documentNoStringDescriptionGET, POST
documentTypeName of the document typeNoStringFileTypeGET
hrefHyperlink referenceNouri-GET
idUnique identifierNoStringContentVersionIdGET
lastUpdateThe date and time the document was last modifiedNoDateTimeLastModifiedDateGET
nameA string used to give a name to the documentYesStringTitleGET, POST
statusThe life cycle state of the documentNoenumPublishStatusGET
attachmentA list of attachment ref or valuesNoListAttachmentGET, POST
----ContentDocumentId. NOTE: This is not part of TMF, but this ID represents the actual Salesforce content document ID. If any other API includes an attachment subresource, this ID will be referenced in its POST payloadGET
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory?Field TypeSalesforce MappingSupported Method
attachmentTypeAttachment type such as video, pictureNostring-GET
urlAn URI. Remote reference to the content if web address contains information about the location of the webpageYesuricontentUrlGET, POST