TMF679 v5 Resource Mappings

Before using the TMF679 resource mappings, refer these.

  • TMF679 API is integrated with the RLM's Qualification and Product List APIs.
  • TMF679 acts as a data type conversion layer with minimum validations.
    • It receives the request in TMF defined format.
    • After the basic validation, converts the input request to RLM’s qualification request payload.
    • After receivig the response back from RLM, converts the response back to the TMF defined response.
  • As TMF679 implements the instant CheckProductOfferingQualification and QueryProductOfferingQualification, any data from TMF is not stored. The majority of the processing is handled by RLM.
  • Only Id values are considered for the CheckProductOfferingQualification and QueryProductOfferingQualification, details such as product name, category name, and related party name are ignored.

These default mappings are supported for the TMF679 resources.

TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?Is supported in POST ?Salesforce Object
@typeWhen sub-classing, this defines the sub-class extensible name.NoYes
channelA ChannelRef. The channel to which the resource reference to.NoNo
descriptionDescription of the CheckProductOfferingQualification.NoNo
noteExtra information about a given entity.NoNo
checkProductOfferingQualificationItemA CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem.YesYescheckProductOfferingQualificationItem Mapping
provideAlternativeAn indicator which when the value is "true" means that alternative solutions should be provided.NoNo
provideResultReasonAn indicator which when the value is "true" means that result reason are expected for available or not of product offering.NoYes
relatedPartyRelatedParty reference. A related party defines party or party role or its reference, linked to a specific entity.YesYesRelatedPartyOrPartyRole sub-resource fields mapping
requestedQualificationCompletionDateDeadline date when the requester expected a qualification answer.NoNo
stateA TaskStateType. Possible values for the state of a task. ENUMERATED with values:
* acknowledged
* rejected
* inProgress
* cancelled
* done
* terminatedWithError
creationDateDate and time when the CheckProductOfferingQualification was created.NoYes
contextDefinitionString, Accepts the custom context Definition for processing the request.NoYes
contextMappingString, Accepts custom contextMapping to process the request.NoYes
qualificationProcedureString, Accepts custom qualification Procedure to process the requestNoYes
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?Is Mandatory for salesforce?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSupported Methods
@typeWhen sub-classing, this defines the sub-class extensible name.NoNoYesPOST
actionAction to be performed on a ProductOffering or product in order to be qualified.NoNoNo
idIdentifier of the CheckProductOfferingQualification item.NoNoNo
@baseTypeWhen sub-classing, this defines the super-class.NoNoNo
@schemaLocationA URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships.NoNoNo
alternateProductOfferingProposalAlternate product Offering proposal is used when the requested product offering is not available with characteristic and date asked for. An alternate proposal could be a distinct product offering or product Spec close to requested one or same as requested but with a different activation date.NoNoNo
categoryReference to a category in the catalog.NoNoNo
eligibilityResultReasonReason for understanding the eligibility result.NoNoNo
expectedActivationDateDate when the requester look for productOfferingQualification activation.NoNoNo
noteExtra information about a given entity.NoNoNo
productThe polymorphic attributes @type, @schemaLocation & @referredType are related to the Product entity and not the ProductRefOrValue class itself.NoNoNo
productOfferingProductOffering reference. A product offering represents entities that are orderable from the provider of the catalog, this resource includes pricing information.NoYesYesProductOffering sub-resource fields mappingPOST
promotionPromotion reference. Promotion Resource is used to provide the additional discount, voucher, bonus or gift to the customer who meets the pre-defined criteria. Using promotion, the enterprise is able to attract the users and encourage more consumption, especially continuous purchases.NoNoNo
qualificationItemRelationshipStructure used to describe relationship between productOfferingQualification item from the same ProductOfferingQualification.NoNoNo
qualificationItemResultQualification result for this checkProductOfferingQualification item. It could be qualified (request productOffering or productSpecification are available), unqualified (requested not available and not alternate available), alternate (requested not available but alternate proposal available).NoNoYesPOST
stateState of the CheckProductOfferingQualification item.NoNoYesPOST
terminationErrorExtra information about a given entity.NoNoNoPOST
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?Is Mandatory for salesforce?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSalesforce FieldSupported Methods
idUnique identifier.NoYesYesProduct2IdPOST
nameName of the referred entity.NoNoYesProduct2NamePOST
@typeWhen sub-classing, this defines the sub-class extensible name.NoNoYes
versionVersion of the product offering.NoNoNo
@baseTypeWhen sub-classing, this defines the super-class.NoNoNo
@schemaLocationA URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships.NoNoNo
@referredTypeThe actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation.NoNoNo
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?Is Mandatory for salesforce?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSupported Methods
@typeWhen sub-classing, this defines the sub-class Extensible nameYesNoYesPOST
@schemaLocationA URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships.NoNoNo
@baseTypeWhen sub-classing, this defines the super-class.NoNoNo
partyOrPartyRoleA PartyOrPartyRole.NoNoYesPartyRef sub-resource fields mappingPOST
roleRole played by the related party or party role in the context of the specific entity it is linked to.YesNoYesPOST
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?Is Mandatory for salesforce?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSalesforce FieldSupported Methods
@typeWhen sub-classing, this defines the sub-class extensible name.NoNoYes
@schemaLocationA URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships.NoNoNo
@referredTypeThe actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation.YesYesYes
@baseTypeWhen sub-classing, this defines the super-class.NoNoNo
idUnique identifier.NoYesYesAccountIdPOST
nameName of the referred entity.NoYesYesAccountNamePOST
hrefHyperlink reference.NoNoNo
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?Is Mandatory for salesforce?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSupported Methods
creationDateA DateTime. Date and time when the QueryProductOfferingQualification was created.YesYesYesGET
descriptionA String. Description of the QueryProductOfferingQualification.NoNoNo
effectiveQualificationDateA DateTime. Effective date to QueryProductOfferingQualification completion.YesYesYesGET
expectedQualificationCompletion DateA DateTime. Expected date rom the server to provide an answer for the query qualification request.NoNoNo
expirationDateA DateTime. Date the qualification response expires.NoNoNo
noteA Note. Extra information about a given entity.NoNoNo
CategoryTMF679 Product Offering Qualification A CategoryRef. Reference to a category in the catalog.NoNoYesCategory subresource MappingPOST/GET
channelTMF679 Product Offering Qualification A ChannelRef. The channel to which the resource reference to. For example, channel for selling product offerings, channel for opening a trouble ticket and so on.NoNoNochannel subresource Mapping
qualifiedProductOfferingItemA QueryProductOfferingQualificationItem.NoNoYesqualifiedProductOfferingItem subresource MappingGET
relatedPartyA RelatedPartyOrPartyRole. RelatedParty reference. A related party defines party or party role or its reference, linked to a specific entity.YesYesYesrelatedParty sub-resource MappingPOST/GET
requestedQualificationCompletion DateA DateTime. Deadline date when the requester expected a qualification answer.NoNoNo
searchCriteriaA QueryProductOfferingQualificationItem.NoNoNo
stateA TaskStateType. Possible values for the state of a task. ENUMERATED with values: * acknowledged * rejected * inProgress * cancelled * done * terminatedWithErrorYesYesYesGET
@baseTypeA String. When sub-classing, this defines the super-class.NoNoNo
@schemaLocationA String. A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships.NoNoNo
@typeA String. When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class Extensible name.YesNoYesGET
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?Is Mandatory for salesforce?SupportedSalesforce Object
@typeA String. When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class extensible name.YesNoYes
idA String. A unique identifier.YesYesYesNA(Sequence Number)
productOfferingA ProductOfferingRef. ProductOffering reference. A product offering represents entities that are orderable from the provider of the catalog, this resource includes pricing information.
YesYesYesproductOffering Mapping
ProductA ProductRefOrValue. The polymorphic attributes @type, @schemaLocation & @referredType are related to the Product entity and not the ProductRefOrValue class itself.
NoNoYesProduct Mapping
PromotionA PromotionRef. Promotion reference. Promotion Resource is used to provide the additional discount, voucher, bonus or gift to the customer who meets the pre-defined criteria. Using promotion, the enterprise is able to attract the users and encourage more consumption, especially continuous purchases.
qualificationItemRelationshipA ProductOfferingQualificationItemRelationship. Structure used to describe relationship between productOfferingQualification item from the same ProductOfferingQualification.
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?Is Mandatory for salesforce?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSalesforce Field
hrefA String. Hyperlink reference.
idA String. A unique identifier.YesYesYesProduct2Id
nameA String. Name of the referred entity.
versionA String. Version of the product offering.
@baseTypeA String. When sub-classing, this defines the super-class.
@referredTypeA String. The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation.
@schemaLocationA String. A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships.
@typeA String. When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class Extensible name.
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?Is Mandatory for salesforce?SupportedSalesforce Object
idA String. A unique identifier.YesYesYesNA (sequence Number)
@typeA String. When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class Extensible name.
agreementItemAn AgreementItemRef. It’s an Agreement item that has been executed previously.
A BillingAccountRef. BillingAccount reference. A BillingAccount is a detailed description of a bill structure.
A DateTime. Date and time when the product was created.
A String. Description of the product. It could be copied from the description of the Product Offering.
hrefA String. Hyperlink reference.
An IntentRefOrValue. Intent Ref (if Intent already exists) or Value (if Intent be created or its details be presented).
A Boolean. If true, the product is a ProductBundle which is an instantiation of a BundledProductOffering. If false, the product is a ProductComponent which is an instantiation of a SimpleProductOffering.
A Boolean. If true, the product is visible by the customer.
nameA String. Name of the product. It could be the same as the name of the product offering
A DateTime. Date when the product was ordered.
A RelatedPlaceRefOrValue. Entity reference. The polymorphic attributes @type, @schemaLocation & @referredType are related to the RelatedPlace entity and not the RelatedPlaceRefOrValue class itself.
A ProductRefOrValue. The polymorphic attributes @type, @schemaLocation & @referredType are related to the Product entity and not the ProductRefOrValue class itself.
A Characteristic. Describes a given characteristic of an object or entity through a name/value pair
NoNoNoproduct Characteristic Mapping
A ProductOfferingRef. ProductOffering reference. A product offering represents entities that are orderable from the provider of the catalog, this resource includes pricing information
A RelatedOrderItem. It’s a Order item that has been executed previously.
A ProductPrice. Description of price and discount awarded
A ProductRelationship. Used to describe relationship between product.
A String. Serial number for the product. This is typically applicable to tangible products e.g. Broadband Router
A String. Description of the product specification.NoNoYesProduct Specification Mapping
productTermA ProductTerm. Description of a productTerm linked to this product. This represent a commitment with a duration.
A ResourceRef. Resource reference, for when Resource is used by other entities.
A RelatedPartyOrPartyRole. RelatedParty reference. A related party defines party or party role or its reference, linked to a specific entity.
A DateTime. Date from which the product starts.
A ProductStatusType. Possible values for the status of the product
A DateTime. Date when the product was terminated.
@baseTypeA String. When sub-classing, this defines the super-class.
@schemaLocationA String. A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships.
@typeA String. When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class Extensible name.
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?Is Mandatory for salesforce?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSalesforce Field
idString, A unique identifier.YesYesYesProduct2Id
@typeA String. When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class Extensible name.
nameA String. Name of the referred entity.
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?Is Mandatory for salesforce?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSalesforce FieldSupported Methods
IdA String. Unique identifier.YesYesYesProductCategoryIdPOST/GET
nameA String. Name of the referred entity.NoNoYesProductCategoryNamePOST/GET
versionA String. Version of the category.NoNoNo
@baseTypeA String. When sub-classing, this defines the super-class.NoNoNo
@referredTypeA String. The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation.NoNoNo
@typeA String. When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class Extensible name.YesYesYesGET
hrefA String. Hyperlink reference.YesYesYesGET
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?Is Mandatory for salesforce?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSupported Methods
@typeWhen sub-classing, this defines the sub-class extensible name.YesNoYesPOST/GET
@schemaLocationA URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships.NoNoNo
@baseTypeWhen sub-classing, this defines the super-class.NoNoNo
partyOrPartyRoleA PartyOrPartyRole.NoNoYesPartyOrPartyRole resource MappingPOST/GET
roleRole played by the related party or party role in the context of the specific entity it is linked to.YesNoYesPOST/GET
TMF FieldDescription
Is Mandatory as per TMForum?Is Mandatory for salesforce?SupportedSalesforce ObjectSalesforce FieldSupported Methods
@typeWhen sub-classing, this defines the sub-class extensible name.NoNoYesPOST/GET
@schemaLocationA URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships.NoNoNo
@referredTypeThe actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation.YesYesYesPOST/GET
@baseTypeWhen sub-classing, this defines the super-class.NoNoNo
idUnique identifier.NoYesYesAccountIdPOST/GET
nameName of the referred entity.NoYesYesAccountNamePOST/GET
hrefHyperlink reference.NoNoNo